posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 05:16 PM
I know they are listening. Out there !
I want to become one of them, don't know why but i am willing to give my life to
it. The Black door that leads to the black world of black ops.
Make me a super human , soldier whatever just one of them.
I am testing my belief system on this subject, i want to believe it.
I cant make my voice heard and the only way i might do that is with this site.
Keeping an eye on everyone, the higher oder. "Big brother".
Why not, maybe my request will come true.
Make me one of them, an odd request but true. I want to become one of them.
I am not an evil person with negative energy around me, i just want to.
Let me follow Alice to the rabbit hole, let me see how deep it is. Show me Alice !
Show me !!!
[edit on 21-7-2008 by Reckon]