posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 02:03 PM
New EU laws relating to synthetic produce are going to be applied to organic products like homeopathic medicines and biodynamic baby foods because the
organic market for these type of products is deemed too small to warrant their on laws. This will result in companies producing organic and
alternative medicine and certain foodstuffs being forced to add synthetic vitamins etc into their products, thus compromising their ethical stance or
even causing them to go out of buisness, while at the same time denying their consumer freedom of choice!
All this is supposedly in the name of protecting the public from potentially, and probably not big pharma sanctioned, ingredients.
The following action group are trying to garner 1 million signatures to a petition to try and have some clout through public opinion and stop this
encroachment on our civil liberties, because at the end of the day people, that's what it is.
Ok, ok, i have no proof that big pharma is behind this, but what are the chances!
Deary me, I'm becoming a serial new threader!