So how much more proof does there need to be before people believe?
Come on the government is testing missiles and a UFO Disables them. You can't tell me there was "Military" planes doing there usual fly overs like
they always say.
A lot of this and the Larry King interview are discussed in Larry King related threads.
I find it very comforting that UFO phenomenon is now being covered by media that is there more to than just ridicule but bring in experts to offer
credible views.
I wouldn't say "how much more proof" is needed.....I have yet to see/examine the proof. So far, it's just hearsay.....the question is, do we take
their word regarding the events they described? Seems as if we're dealing with direct evidence rather than circumstantial evidence. Direct evidence
is fine with me as long as it's from credible sources as it appears to be in this case. Direct evidence will not "fly" within the scientific
community, though. Are there any threads here at ATS that covers these events thoroughly?
You know I missed the Larry King UFOs thing on friday..
I have not seen a great abundance of threads on Malmstrom or Minot Missile incidents.. I encourage you to start a thread and give us your take on the
I did a tinwiki article on Malmstrom some time ago..