posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Animal
Here is your quote:
"Obama is speaking 'figuratively' or 'symbolically' meaning he is not saying 'exactly' what happened but is using symbolism to make the point.
Things like this are done for the purpose of making a speech sound better or to meet any other format needs. The same type of thing is done with the
written word as well.
Basically the OP is digging for something, anything, he/she can use to make Obama look bad."
Yes Obama is speaking in symbols, riddles, baby-talk you name it! Just the same-ole, same-ole! Mouth is moving but STILL not saying anything!!
I was raised to, say what you mean and mean what you say!! Since when do the words you speak not mean anything? Oh yeah!, I forgot,... since Obama
got elected President LOl!!
As far as "digging for something to make Obama look bad" You really don't
have to dig too far. He can handle This job ALL by himself!!
[edit on 17-11-2008 by paxnatus]