posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:08 AM
The guy giving the voiceover talks about body language that's supposed to subconsciously make the viewer associate the guest with a 'left wing'
viewpoint by moving his hands to the left....which seems like a reach to me.
Do you (OP) think that they teach 'sneaky body language' in journalism school? Where do you think journalists learn the movements to make viewers
subconsciously form associations? I'm not being accusatory, just asking.
Later in the video the voiceover says how ridiculous it is to ask if a college professor would force students to regurgitate his views to get ta good
grade because, "this type of person [the professor] would never want anyone to regurgitate anything because that doesn't allow them to learn to
think." Biased much? Professors (and teachers in general) are notorious for giving bad grades to students who disagree with their line of
Later in the video, the voiceover says..."OK, Sean Hannity...I never watched Fox News before but within seconds of seeing this guy you can just
see that he is a snake. At least he is currently conducting himself as such." Are you kidding me? Again, Biased much? This voiceover guy is
telling you that he has never watched Sean Hannity before on tv but within seconds of seeing him can tell that he is "a snake"...all in the same
This thread should be called Interpreting "Interpreting the Media".
This is all within 4:17 of the first video and I don't have to watch the other two to tell where this is going...
[edit on 8/13/2008 by sc2099]