posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:27 PM
As somebody who has attended the grove many times I can tell you that all the speculation is a bunch of nonsense. The club is made up of artists,
playwrights, musicians, scientists, actors, and various other types of creative types, and yes a planeload, actually several, planeloads of movers and
The whole thing with the cremation ceremony is simple. A bunch of really awesome musicians and technical people and corporate types who have a passion
for acting or singing or performing, put together a kick ass production that symbolizes the banishing of all the crap that comes along with the rat
You are not allowed to discuss business that is not "club business", cell phones are banned, ditto computers, its a chance for guys to enjoy the
company of guys in a totally non gay or creepy way. Except for the 10-15% of gay men who I suspect are members or whatever the percentage is in
society at large. Its really amazing to hear a lecture on physics by a top NASA egghead then 20 minutes later hear Steve Miller or Bob Weir jamming.
Basically its like rush week at the worlds coolest University and you are BMOC everybody is super cool super friendly and super drunk. The only guy I
encountered who was a bit of a dick was Hank Kissinger.
Anybody doubting my veracity may ask me any kind of test question.