posted on Mar, 11 2004 @ 12:08 PM
This does raise the issue that in a globally connected world, we need rules that span the globe, otherwise junk emails, ebay abusers, phishers and
scammers will always be a problem. At the moment, there's no real control. In the EU, it is illegal to send spam emails. I still get 4000 spam
emails (on about 180 email addresses) a day to my domain which have to be filtered out because this only applies to the companies near me, who,
Ironically, I would much rather hear from than the Vi@gra guy and the larger pen1s guy who really want my cash. It doesn't affect the people in
Australia and the US, they are not under EU jurastiction, which makes the whole thing a joke.
Perhaps people should be hard-coded with an IP address at birth, it would make internet security much easier? Maybe some sort of chip implanted into
the brain at birth....
*ducks incoming flames from the privacy/big brother brigade*
[Edited on 11-3-2004 by Zzub]