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Pilots for 9/11 Truth Humor

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:08 PM
There's not a shot in hell that our government tells us the absolute truth on anything - and that includes 9/11. But here's the problem: To actually try and make everyone believe that our government is RESPONSIBLE for 9/11 is crazy. One thing I have noticed about all those involved in this "truth movement" is that none of them can make up their minds on how any of it happened. You hear all kinds of theories, but that's exactly what they are - theories. No truther really has any PROOF to back up the claims. If the truther's goal is to open everyone's eyes or to wake the rest of us up, how are we supposed to get on board with all these theories floating around anyhow. Some say they were military planes that hit, others say missles, truck bombs, remote controlled planes, lasers, and even holograms. Well which one do we sign up for?

Then there are theories about controlled demolitions, and it's very easy to see what a real controlled demolition looks like. Just youtube the subject and there are plenty for you to view. It starts out by having dozens and dozens of loud popping sounds before the building even budges, which neither WTC building did. The only thing that truthers show us are a few squibs coming from different floors as the building is already coming down. That's NOT a controlled demolition. So that theory doesn't convince me that anything wierd was going on.

The government had one story since this tragedy happened -- and that is that terrorists took control of some of our passenger planes and aimed them at the WTC and the Pentagon in order to cause terror on our own soil. I think that if the government is guilty of any lies about it, it's that they don't want the citizens to realize that they showed some serious imcompetence that day. They don't want us to know how they dropped the ball, when I'm sure that part of the end result, if not all of it, could have been prevented. Their reactions during the tragedy were probably piss-poor, and they wouldn't want us to know that either. But to say they DID IT... that's outlandish. And I love it when the "truther" demands proof from us, the one's who believe that terrorists did this. We are not required to show any proof, that ball would be in your court, since we just believe what happened did happen. And so far you guys have shown nothing that is absolute proof, you've just shown theories, and from what I've seen, they've all been debunked.

Now, do I believe that our government has found a way to profit from this tragedy and prey off the fears of the American public? Absolutely. Have they used this terrorist factor as an excuse to bomb countries they don't like and make us think it's okay? Yes. But does any of that prove that they were the ones who did it? Absolutely not, IMO.

I just find that the fact that terrorists finally found a way to hit America where it hurts is much more believable, especially with all the eyewitnesses around and those that lost family and friends that day speaking out, than to believe a bunch of "truthers" who can't even be on the same page.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Double Eights


I have to disagree with you. Most debunkers that I correspond with are Democratic liberals. (myself included)

The man that wrote the article could be a right wing Republican, but stereotyping the debunkers is not accurate.

P4911 Truth are ...well I can't tell you what i REALLY think. I would have to say I don't disagree with the article written about them.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by ravn52wa

Welcome to ATS ravn52 ! Awesome post. You hit the nail on the head!

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:57 PM

One thing I have noticed about all those involved in this "truth movement" is that none of them can make up their minds on how any of it happened.

Same with the OS camp. More precisely none of them can provide anything deeper than individual pieces of evidence. The OS is still incomplete and full of holes. One does not cancel the other out (i.e. a CT being debunked does not add any weight to the incompleteness of the OS).

Just youtube the subject and there are plenty for you to view. It starts out by having dozens and dozens of loud popping sounds before the building even budges, which neither WTC building did.

Many first responders reported this phenomenon. They have not been 'debunked'.

I think that if the government is guilty of any lies about it, it's that they don't want the citizens to realize that they showed some serious imcompetence that day. They don't want us to know how they dropped the ball

That is a conspiracy theory by definition. Conspiracy to obstruct justice. Its a pretty serious crime.

And I love it when the "truther" demands proof from us, the one's who believe that terrorists did this. We are not required to show any proof, that ball would be in your court, since we just believe what happened did happen. And so far you guys have shown nothing that is absolute proof, you've just shown theories, and from what I've seen, they've all been debunked.

Same with the OS, and damn sure they do owe an explanation. If something 'obvious' happens and it cant be proven scientifically it certainly loses the 'obvious' factor.

I just find that the fact that terrorists finally found a way to hit America where it hurts is much more believable, especially with all the eyewitnesses around and those that lost family and friends that day speaking out, than to believe a bunch of "truthers" who can't even be on the same page.

Even tho many of the witnesses are truthers who witnessed the events and state that they saw something that contradicts the OS? Nice double standard.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by jprophet420]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Same with the OS camp. More precisely none of them can provide anything deeper than individual pieces of evidence. The OS is still incomplete and full of holes. One does not cancel the other out (i.e. a CT being debunked does not add any weight to the incompleteness of the OS).

I don't see the "holes" you guys are talking about. The evidence that planes did hit the WTC's and Pentagon is provided by the thousands upon thousands of people who witnessed it live and the millions who watched it on TV's live coverage on, as I recall, every station that provides any kind of news coverage. You truthers are the ones who make up the "holes" in the OS, but I think it's pretty hard to debunk something that's not there to begin with. And you make up these holes just because you don't like how a building decided to fall, or the pictures that the media decided to release. That, my friends, is evidence of nothing.

Many first responders reported this phenomenon. They have not been 'debunked'.

What do you mean they haven't been debunked? There is absolutely no evidence of a controlled demolition. Have you taken a look at a real one. The WTC's acted nothing like that. As I asked before, where are the loud pops and crackles BEFORE the building began to fall? There were none. And these squibs that truthers tend to focus on -- is it not reasonable to think that there would be gusts of smoke and debris blasting from different floors as the building crumbled from top to bottom? Top to bottom, by the way, is how the WTCs fell, which is also the opposite of what a real CD would actually look like. You would get the dozens of loud pops, which would weaken the bottom part of the building first, bring the top down afterward. That's my observation anyway.

That is a conspiracy theory by definition. Conspiracy to obstruct justice. Its a pretty serious crime.

I simply stated that the government is not going to reveal some of thier incompetence and slow reactions that day. That is NOT what a conspiracy theory is. A CT would be the government keeping it a secret as to what the ultimate cause of the tragedy of 9/11 was, not their assanine reactions to it. The ultimate cause of 9/11 was terrorists hi-jacking planes and running them into buildings, which, as far as I know, was revealed by the government since day one.

Same with the OS, and damn sure they do owe an explanation. If something 'obvious' happens and it cant be proven scientifically it certainly loses the 'obvious' factor.

Again, I don't know what this "obvious" factor is that you are referring to. It's more obvious that we saw planes hit and that terrorists were involved. How do we know this? Because people who were there seen it live, because news stations covered it all over the world, because of the people on those planes and in those buildings who lost their lives and who still have surviving relatives and friends mourning over this. That's the obvious. I don't see the "obvious" in a controlled demolition, or NO planes hitting at all, or holograms (that's the most laughable BTW), or the other thousand reasons truthers come up with not to believe.

Even tho many of the witnesses are truthers who witnessed the events and state that they saw something that contradicts the OS? Nice double standard.

Can you point me to someone who was actually in New York City that day and saw the events and still says that no planes hit the buildings. I haven't come across 1. And I know, some who were there (the cherry-picked interviews BTW) talk about explosions they heard that add to the CD theory. Well I could imagine that through all this chaos it was loud as hell, and if any of you have ever gone through a traumatic experience, you know it happens so fast that your mind doesn't wrap itself around every single thing going on.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by jprophet420] [/quote

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
But when a ''truther'' opens his/her post with a statement by saying ''Another PROPAGANGA thread from the DEBUNKERS...'' and follows it up with terms like ''pure idiots''. ''Morons''. ''Total Lunatics''. ''MSM/FOX NEWS''. ''Billo, Carl, ann , sean ect,ect,''. ''shills'' and ''TRAITOROUS Bastardos'' then I feel it necessary to point out the obvious.

I agree that vitriol gets us nowhere. From either side.

Not at all.

My political stances separate me from the likes of ''Billo, Carl, ann , sean ect,ect," by quite a large margin. You may be surprised if you would like to know what they are.

My political views are far more conserative than liberal. But, I think both sides can agree that some of the things you listed are fishy to say the least.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
I was thinking about a new term for "debunkers" how about "septics" you know the tank to store waste products?? Seriously what do you think???

Actually that is quite funny. Though, I believe we don't need to lower ourselves to name calling IMO. All of us. It takes away credibility when all I see are people typing "morons, twoofers", etc. It only shows that they can't have a civil debate without resorting to 4th grade style attacks. Just my opinion of course and probably guilty sometimes myself. But I did find it funny.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Double Eights
You believe a government could do such a heinous act?

If you would look at history you would see that the government has done just as bad or worse heinous acts before.

Unless you are afraid of the turth?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Double Eights
You believe a government could do such a heinous act?

If you would look at history you would see that the government has done just as bad or worse heinous acts before.

Unless you are afraid of the turth?

That's quite a statement. Please point me to one of these heinous acts.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by nowhackohere
That's quite a statement. Please point me to one of these heinous acts.

How about the Tuskegee Experiment?

How about drugs being tested on unsuspecting soldiers?

How about the prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor and letting it happen?

How about the prior knowledge or planning of the attack on the USS Liberty?

I could keep going on. If you need more, just do a quick research of US history.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by ravn52wa

I have illustrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story is incomplete at best, the FEMA and NIST reports contradict themselves and the NIST report is incomplete...

and I have illustrated beyond a reasonable doubt that we had the modus operandi...

Also one of the sites they insult in that piece has over 50 peer reviewed papers that in themselves do not prove any conspiracy but all put holes in the OS.

I suggest you do more research before you point quote me sir.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by jprophet420]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

Also one of the sites they insult in that piece has over 50 peer reviewed papers that in themselves do not prove any conspiracy but all put holes in the OS.

I suggest you do more research before you point quote me sir.

What site its that? Who reviewed the papers?


posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Thank you for visiting The Journal of 9/11 Studies, a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only journal, covering the whole of research related to the events of 11 September, 2001.
It was in the thread I linked to btw. I've asked a couple times now for the SN# information from the flight recorder, would LOVE to see that. Thanks again.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Ya these are the clowns who claim that DNA was planated at the Pentagon despite NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE to prove their fantasy.
Have you been over at LCF lately and Ultima?
The truthers insult and ban whomever disagrees with them.
Accusing innicent people of mass murder without a shred of evidence and continuing to say they have evidence but refuse to bring it to court.
PFT and the CIT are liars anf frauds.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by TheBobert
Ya these are the clowns who claim that DNA was planated at the Pentagon despite NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE to prove their fantasy.

There is no evidence that the passnegers from the plane were in the building.

We aher DNA evidnece of the passengers but nothing to prove they were in the building.

Also i was banned for being debating the official story on a forum.

[edit on 21-7-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:34 AM
The US Govt either orchestrated the attack themselves or they knew about it and let it happen. I can't believe that after 7 years, plenty of smoking guns and hundreds of false statements............some people still believe the government had nothing to do with it. Pleeeeease wake up......... we need your help.


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by TheBobert

You do realize at first they claimed they identified all of the passengers via DNA then changed the list?
Of course the original doccument is nowhere to be found, however there were threads about it here in the past, if you search hard enough you will find them.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by vehemes terra eternus

I second that.
The official story is one of the most ridiculous things i've read.

Forget about holograms/nuclear weapons and all the other dis-info about what happened in opposition to the OS, anyone with half a brain can see that the OS does not add up?

i cannot believe after all this time, people still buy the official story, just goes to show how they are able to get away with these things.
People just eat-up whatever they're told.

Shame really

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
i cannot believe after all this time, people still buy the official story, just goes to show how they are able to get away with these things.
People just eat-up whatever they're told.

Some people want to live in a save fantasy world and not face the reallity of what really goes on.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 05:42 PM
That is funny! What is wrong with John Lear? He is the top rational member of the truth movement special pilots! He brings a bunch of aliens, or at least a working knowledge of the aliens agenda ( with him to help Pilots For Truth with physics and math to make their calculation extra special. Pilots For Truth have "no theory" on 9/11. And after reading all their work, it is true, they have no theories.

With John Lear on board their numbers have almost doubled to 50 pilots up from 30 a year ago. They have garnered a large percentage of the world pilots to help them surge into the news and expose the truth about 9/11 (0.00571 percent).

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