reply to post by italkyoulisten
I'd like to suggest that quoting from Natural News - while not wrong - is not exactly unbiased
how much have you researched outside of this one source?
the link with specifics to the drugs lists the side effects - all drugs have side effects - even insulin
they're required to list them as
possible side effects - but that doesn't mean they're likely
Children 3 to 5!! On amphetamines! This is the same as giving a three year old speed!
it is exactly like giving a three year old speed. Exactly. Do you wonder why they do it?
that's the part you haven't covered
I have reservations myself about diagnosing and prescribing
but don't throw the baby out with the bath water - these drugs have helped many children and adults
as has been mentioned - it's speed - aren't you just a little curious about why anyone would prescribe speed for someone who's already a little
revved up and distracted?
there's a reason
not picking a fight - just trying to fill in a gap or two
it has to do with many things I'm not qualified to explain - I wish there were someone available here who might do it right - but let's just keep it
impulse control and the ability to focus and plan happen in certain parts of the brain - if those parts don't communicate effectively the mind
doesn't function optimally and a child is left at a disadvantage when trying to perform certain tasks - like sit still and learn - among others
if you think this isn't really important - think of everything you do in a day - or in an hour even - that requires your ability to focus and follow
through. From picking out your clothes to driving your car - and parking.
You think not following instructions sounds like a ridiculous clue - but that's just it - it is a clue.
And if your brain can't do something as simple as this - so simple that you think it's almost impossible to
not be able to do it, such a
common skill you can't even imagine what it's like to not be able to do it - well just imagine how this inability might affect your child's entire
education - and future.
the drugs are not prescribed to dope up unruly children - they are given so that the brain can function a certain way - allowing the child/person to
think and function the way they need to
I have some issues myself with the pharmaceutical industry - but - what is the real likelihood that all this medication would be handed out to
children in such a willy-nilly manner?
what looks like over prescribing and misdiagnosis I think should be a real discussion - because there is no test that can tell you exactly. It could
be diagnosed more and more frequently because it's better understood now than in years past - just that simple
whether or not it's on the rise - I have no idea
but, while they might not know the exact causes yet - there is evidence that points to some environmental factors - for instance - smoking while
there is also very real physical evidence that the brains of children with ADD are different from those without - brain scans show this very
it never pays to overreact before we know all the facts - and there's more to this subject than has been presented here