posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:02 PM
"The Dark Knight" is better than you have heard and as good as you had hoped.
The late Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker is so iconic it will stand the test of time. It will have to, since no one will dare to play the
character again during this iteration of the DC comic movie franchise, and perhaps beyond.
Although he overwhelms the other characters - including Batman and his billionaire alter ego Bruce Wayne, both played by Christian Bale - and turns
Gotham City into a bleak, amoral wasteland, this Joker is more than just another evil genius. He is a jack-o'-lantern-smiling, greasepaint-smudged
face of hopelessness and fear.
He is the symptom and the disease. There is no cure.
This is the best movie of the summer, hands down.
Go see it ASAP!!!