posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:07 AM
People have generally never cared for each other. The history of humanity is rife with violence, fear, war, aggression, anger, murder and despair.
People do not care about their common man because they are too focused on these man made divisions that separate us into races, sexes, classes, etc.
Most people are existing only for themselves to fulfill their selfish desires of obtaining power and materialistic goods.
No one ever thinks about the emotions that each individual experiences. No one considers how complex, special, and significant someone is. Instead of
helping each other we spit on people, disrespect them, and tell them that their biggest mistake was just existing in the first place.
You might as well hold all of your emotion inside and focus on the good aspects of the spirit world because no one here cares about anybody. There are
people out here whose sole purpose is to tear everyone down and make them feel horrible.
As I said before, focus your energy on the spirit world and embrace those good spirits who actually care because you won't find love in this place,
theres nothing but hate, greed, and anger here.