posted on Jan, 23 2018 @ 07:56 PM
Update on my previous post. As a unwitting subject of Neurosurgeon Dr. Harold J. Hoffman of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, I have been kept
in the dark, as to what took place Dec. 9,1969, at 14 years of age. My HSC records disclose a pathology report listing various brain tissue
resections, from my person, (without consent) along with a separate sheet, with a diagram of a "left temporal lobe", which is NOT mentioned on my
pathology report, indicating to be someone else's left temporal lobe brain tissue. Such tissue which appears to be utilized for a covert transplant,
where my X-rays reveal brain tissue in the resected lobes, secured by 43 metallic implants in the cerebral cortex. Here's the kicker, the only
person on the planet, whose left temporal lobe is unaccounted for, is Mr. JFK. This adds up, considering all the secrecy surrounding JFK and Hoffman.
I'm always reminded, We cannot be complacent, while any individual's rights are denied or abuse, and that the very word secrecy is repugnant in a
free and open society, and what more can be said today, regarding all the black and tangled problems we face than , let there be light.