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Is there a program going on that is brainwashing the police?

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:47 AM
We keep hearing about these police brutality cases, use of excessive force on the elderly, etc. I started thinking about it today, and I am thinking that maybe there is some type of brainwashing going on with the police.

When you sit down and think about it, they are all humans, and you will have some bad eggs. But, when you get case after case of this, it just seems like too much. Cops are human beings, and should treat others as human beings. There is a lot of talk, and there are many theories about an upcoming police state, martial law, camps etc. Now the normal cops would not be willing to mis-treat innocent civilians. The brainwashed cops would have no problem with it though. They also seem to not care what the situation is; they will use excessive force on everyone. So are they preparing the cops to handle the citizens when the stuff hits the fan?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:04 AM
I'm not saying all cops are bad (I have to, there's cops in my family), but I've always theorized that the reason there seems to be more bad apples in a police force than most other groups is because the opportunity to be a cop appeals more to people who like to abuse power than it does to your average Joe. Plain and simple, evil is attracted to power.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:06 AM
I think it is the same in every country,
Cops start off as normal people.. But as soon as they come out of the training centre, they are completely changed. Once the uniform is on, they treat (the people they can get away with) like crap.
Brainwashing isn't the word for it.. they are egocentric, stressed out and condescending individuals until they reach their late thirties and then tired of giving people a hard time.

There's no point in even trying to talk to one over here.. they only look at you like you have ten heads.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:26 AM
Hello people,

Cops are crooks with the right to wear a gun... I never wanted to think that about the police, but after seeing one of them yelling madly after a five years old kid ( following him with his car ), for no reason while there were teenagers doing skateboard in the empty public pool... The cop looked at the teenagers, paused and left in a hurry.
I also told a cop in his car that 3 kids were breaking things in the park less than 200 hundred meters from where we stood, He looked at them and simply went away, never stopping the kids.
I had to call them once because a neighbour was menacing us regularly. The cops came to see me and told me that if I wasn't happy in this town, I should probably move away... ( My neighbour works in a hospital, so... )
On a saturday morning, while going back home in my car, a cop decide to go after me to give me a ticket. But he looked mad! So I hurried in my drive-way ( he didn't put on his sirens, only his lights ), but couldn't do anything because I was on private property. Less then 20 seconds after that, he was chasing someone, this time with his sirens...

I have also seen a cop, on a friday night, at one am call people on a red light to give them tickets. He didn't measure speed or anything, simply pointing at car that were comming to a halt on the red light...

And, two years ago, a couple went to visit a house they wnted to buy, in Montreal, and the neighbour of that house came out slowly and went to see the couple. Once beside them, he put up a gun a shot the ment right in the face and ran after the man's wife to kill her, too. The next day, it was revealed he was once an RCMP officer and that he was part of a special programm that was never disclosed to the public. Mind control here?

Have a nice day everyone!

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Has anyone seen the movie Harold and Kumar, and the scene I want to point out to is near the end where Kumar is haggled by a townie cop. Some cops believe that they are the law and judges themselves as they already have a judgment in their mind when they confront their victims.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:04 PM
As previously stated, it takes a certain mentality to be a cop in the first place. Nothing to do with upholding the law, but more to do with the fact that they like to have power over people and tell them what to do. What has changed now is that LEGISLATION has changed that gives the police more power and less accountability. I also believe that they are being told behind closed doors (speculation of course) that they can do WHATEVER they feel necessary in any given situation, and their superiors will back them up.

This video, if you have'nt seen it, gives you some idea of what they feel they can do if they want to

You DO have to wonder what they are being told to think they can get away with a DEPRAVED act such as this. And why are the female officers letting the men do this without ANY OBJECTION whatsoever???? If I were in the force, i would remember what the public did to the nazi police for their atrocities when they lost power. I would realise that the people would hang us from the lamposts!

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:15 PM
I have a feeling that the heavy negativity being discussed is, in large part, the product of the ease of capturing police actions and transmitting it via the internet. How often do you see the actions of a GOOD cop on Youtube? Can you think of a single example? People tend to dwell on the negative, unfortunately, and that is what we're seeing with this discussion.

I'm sure there are a lot of good cops out there who are doing good things. But because of the state of the USA as a whole, and the tendency to focus on the negative, it is easy to get the impression that police are bad, they all have tasers on stun, and every police department is ready to raid the households of innocent, law abiding citizens.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:47 PM
As for the good cops, there is a problem there as well. Many of them are giving out bull$#!& tickets. I got a speeding ticket last year that I did not deserve. First of all, I was watching my speed because cops were all over the place. I know how fast I was going. Second, I was getting into a left turn lane. Its hard to speed up to make a turn. Finally, the cop stated in his notes, and in court, that there were other cars by me. I got the ticket because I was the only white car in the mix. So the color of my car made me the one guilty of speeding. What about the green van that PASSED me going down that road? A few months ago I got another ticket. This one was for crossing three lanes to get into a turn lane. Well there was no other option and the officer even told me that it was not possible to safely cross all three lanes, given that the distance was extremely short. He 'recommended' that I go out of my way and wait at a light that takes forever from now on. Anyway, it is obvious that the police are starting to either abuse you physically, or go for your pocketbook for ridiculous 'crimes.'

As far as the internet giving the negative incidents more attention, yes that is part of it. But there is a shift going on that I have seen personally, that I did not see online.

With the economy the way it is right now, crime is going up. Wouldnt you think that the cops would be out patrolling the problem areas? Well they are not. They are just sitting there, 2 or 3 at a time, in all of their hiding places waiting to give out speeding tickets. Yea keep the speeders off the streets. Is this really helping anything? If they were simply patrolling, the speeding would go down due to the sight of the cop cars driving around. The problem is that patrolling does not bring in the money that catching speeders does.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:50 PM
The brutality is actually down. The use of cameras is up. They have always beat us down. It is only now that the masses are learning about it.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by sayzaarI also believe that they are being told behind closed doors (speculation of course) that they can do WHATEVER they feel necessary in any given situation, and their superiors will back them up.

Your speculation is exactly right in my opinion. They seem to no longer care about their actions, and if you try to say anything about it you just get ignored or brushed off.

My other point is that maybe they are being trained to act this way. Maybe they are being trained now to believe that they can do anything they want, and get away with it. They are being trained that citizens are always a threat and should be treated with excessive force in any situation. Some of these videos that we are seeing are just absolutely crazy. How can anybody treat people like this, expecially cops?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 02:39 PM
Yes, I think the police are being trained to act like they do.

Trained by the PUBLIC. They get cursed at, hated, insulted, made fun of, have stuff thrown at them, shot at and/or shot, ... and you expect them to, what, love their enemies anyway? I'm not good enough to do that, I don't think most of you - or them - are either.

And under the uniform they are human beings too. There's another thread around here someplace about the court ruling the strip-search of a 13yo unconstitutional, and I seem to remember SEVERAL replies in that thread about people needing butt whippings and kickings or shot and etc. Why would a cop be exempt from those sorts of 'normal' feelings of outrage?

Pretend you're a cop and you just nabbed some dirtbag who's been stealing purses from little old ladies who could be your grandma, or carjacked a van with 3 little kids in it, or beat up his girlfriend so bad she's in the hospital, or sold drugs to some little kid who goes to the same school YOUR kid goes to .. etc. etc. etc. How nice are you going to be? Really?

Me personally, I've never had a truly negative or disrespectful encounter with a policeman. Yes, I've had a couple of tickets. Yes, I've even been booked and run through the 'system' once. But they have always been courteous and respectful to me when I treated them with courtesy and respect. I do what they ask me to do, answer their questions and address them respectfully, and they have always reflected back to me my treatment of them. On several occasions cops have been very helpful to me when asked for help.

I guess I'm on the minority side of the fence on this one, but I think that most of the people - mostly criminals let's not forget - who run afoul of the police had it coming. They yell and scream at the cops, spit on them, call them names, struggle and fight, try to hurt the cop, etc., and then you expect the cops to be NICE to them? All I can say is, the general public is lucky I'm not a cop. Of course, I probably wouldn't pass the psych test.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 02:49 PM
Personally, I've come to 2 conclusions on this subject.

1). They aren't Academy cops, there hired previous military MPs or some such. This is because there's not enough people going into law enforcement, specically police Academy.

2). Someone is brainwashing them, of has been for awhile. Conditioning them. For what, i'm not sure.

Originally posted by evo80
As for the good cops, there is a problem there as well. Many of them are giving out bull$#!& tickets. I got a speeding ticket last year that I did not deserve. First of all, I was watching my speed because cops were all over the place. I know how fast I was going. Second, I was getting into a left turn lane. Its hard to speed up to make a turn. Finally, the cop stated in his notes, and in court, that there were other cars by me. I got the ticket because I was the only white car in the mix. So the color of my car made me the one guilty of speeding. What about the green van that PASSED me going down that road? A few months ago I got another ticket. This one was for crossing three lanes to get into a turn lane. Well there was no other option and the officer even told me that it was not possible to safely cross all three lanes, given that the distance was extremely short. He 'recommended' that I go out of my way and wait at a light that takes forever from now on. Anyway, it is obvious that the police are starting to either abuse you physically, or go for your pocketbook for ridiculous 'crimes.'

As far as the internet giving the negative incidents more attention, yes that is part of it. But there is a shift going on that I have seen personally, that I did not see online.

With the economy the way it is right now, crime is going up. Wouldnt you think that the cops would be out patrolling the problem areas? Well they are not. They are just sitting there, 2 or 3 at a time, in all of their hiding places waiting to give out speeding tickets. Yea keep the speeders off the streets. Is this really helping anything? If they were simply patrolling, the speeding would go down due to the sight of the cop cars driving around. The problem is that patrolling does not bring in the money that catching speeders does.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:54 PM
The militarization of the police has been going on for at least 30 years.

It's a mixture of things, really. The number one culprit is simple economics. If your department needs more, then you get more. War on Drugs? Now podunk towns with little more than a single watering hole can get tactical training ("Watch your corners! Watch your corners!"), cool toys, and maybe even access to a helicopter.

Human nature is what it is. Cops are in no way immune to the temptations of power. As much as I support them, I have to acknowledge that power corrupts.

Serpico said of the NYC police department that maybe 10% were just completely corrupt, bad cops. Maybe 10% were good cops. The other 80% wished they were good.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:11 AM
They must have put something in the donuts...

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