posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:12 AM
Yea, EMP seems to be the flavor-of-the-month. What everyone needs to understand and what all countries --- rogue or otherwise --- already DO
understand is that an attack on the United States with a weapon like an EMP weapon would unequivocally be deemed by the world community as an attack
with a WMD. The reprisal attack by the US would render the offending country uninhabitable. They all know this. We publish it. We always have
going back to the Cold War. To work over a large area, an EMP weapon has to be detonated at high altitude. You can't do that off the back of a
pickup truck. This is all fear mongering. Think of the technology involved to accomplish this. Wouldn't it make far more sense for a country (or
rogue group) to use biological weapons? Relatively cheap. Easily developed. Easily deployed. Easily concealed. Difficult to trace. Much, much
more significant impact on all levels.