posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 03:21 PM
I think another problem is that so many still believe that Obama is Muslim be it sleeper or outright.
Most people I work with have a problem with him and his not putting his hand over his heart during the national anthem, not wanting to swear in on a
bible, or his affiliation with his church.
I personally don’t care about any of those things. I do on the other hand believe him to be just another politician that will say what needs to be
said to get into office, but I feel the same for McCain.
I told my wife last year that I thought Obama and Clinton would run together (still likely) and that after a year in office he would be killed. Most
people I work with think he will be killed and it will start a race war. I on the other hand believe it will be a black man that will kill him. I
believe this to be even more so after his NAACP speech the other day.
"If we're serious about reclaiming that dream, we have to do more in our own lives. There's nothing wrong with saying that," Obama told a crowd
estimated at 3,000. "But with providing the guidance our children need, turning off the TV set and putting away the video games; attending those
parent-teacher conferences, helping our children with their homework, setting a good example. That's what everybody's got to do."
I say this because when Cosby said basically the same thing he was labeled a “race traitor” by many. Cosby was chastised by many and applauded by
many others. He lost a great deal of his popularity after saying such a thing. Be it right or wrong he said what he felt was right (I personally think
it is right and goes for more than just blacks) and took a great deal of heat for it. I am sure he had some who might have been ready to take action
against him, while others would have jumped to protect him.
Regardless I believe Obama just put himself out on a thin line with many by saying what he did. I applauded him though for stating his beliefs on such
an issue. It takes courage to step out against the grain of things. Sometimes a nice set of body armor would not hurt either.
[edit on 7/16/08 by Raist]
[edit on 7/16/08 by Raist]