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How to convince others?

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posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Amaterasu

MIG planes are WMD...? [snicker] Really, though, the WMD were given away to another country? Well then. Let's go get THEM!!!

Are you really that immature? Just more proof that you beleivers are too afraid to do research to find the truth.

Having done a fair amount of research, I still had not heard of the MIGs you mentioned. Granted, I may have missed something. I wasn't trying to be rude. Pardon me if it came off that way.

But I mean it. If the WMD are the reason we attack people, then why not follow them? I'm betting it is because Syria is not threatening to sell huge gluts of oil in Euros. Because THAT's the reason we went after Saddam, not because of any WMD he had. And the reason we have an interest in what he would have sold his oil in is because the dollar is on the oil standard. Lots of cheap oil in Euros means a plummet for the dollar.

The MIGS were not WMDs but they carreid very new banned equipment, banned by the UN.

According to whom? What equipment? What is your source? Like I said, I missed these data in keeping up with the information flow. I would think if they were valid, they would have been as gloriously plastered through the MSM as the initial claims that Saddam had WMD. But I heard nothing. Maybe I somehow missed the outpouring of stories - ala Britney's latest escapades - that brought this to our awareness...

Also the WMDs were not given to another country they were taken there to be hidden from the inspectors.

According to whom? You did not answer my question about assurances that "defectors" weren't paid to claim there were weapons and that the weapons were moved. And again, why has the MSM not been triumphant about this news? If it were true, if it were "bullet-proof," I would think we would hear ALL about it.

Please do research before posting so you do not look so immature.

Please provide your sources before posting such dubious information.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Double Eights

You can also try, Johnny Appleseed style, but instead of a handful just drop one.

Another way to say it, would be to compare it to fishing. You have to tease the fish a bit, with a little bit of bait.

Figure out a few examples that would serve best as bait, using just one example only,

then wait for a response, no response gets no more bait! an honest inquisitive response gets a bit more bait, and so on.

I'm quite guilty of "backing up the truck" to unload all I know on a person. It just shocks them so much,

they go in their shell and stay there. So, that's NOT a good strategy at all.

Try planting seeds, as slow as it is, it really is the best way.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
According to whom? What equipment? What is your source?

Seems like you have not been doing very much research or keeping up with whats going on in the world. But thats ok, its psrt of my job and have access to sources most people do not.

As for the MIGS they had equipment on them that had been banned by the UN for import. Here is some information i can get you more if want, i have to go through a lot of information.

The Russian-made MiG-25 Foxbat being recovered by U.S. Air Force troops in the photos is an advanced reconnaissance version never before seen in the West and is equipped with sophisticated electronic warfare devices. The advanced electronic reconnaissance version found by the U.S. Air Force is currently in service with the Russian air force.

The recovery of the advanced MiG fighter is considered to be an intelligence coup by the U.S. Air Force.. The Foxbat may also be equipped with advanced Russian- and French-made electronics that were sold to Iraq during the 1990s in violation of a U..N. ban on arms sales to Baghdad.

Oh and if you are interseted you might also want to look into the GPS jammers that Iraq had bought.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

What would you say, if I told you, that the russians, got a lot of their technology from the west.

And it was handed to them on a silver platter, not by espionage in the normal sense of the word!

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by toasted
What would you say, if I told you, that the russians, got a lot of their technology from the west.

And it was handed to them on a silver platter, not by espionage in the normal sense of the word!

Sure thats nothing new. Specially after the cold war we traded equipment for equipment or for infomration. Like getting the information on a RC-130 and oterh recon aircraft that were shot down during cold war, even have the gun camera footages for some.

There are of course espionage going on all the itime. Like the reports of us letting the Russian "steal" some wing planes for the SST. When they made a high-G move at an airshow the wings sheared off.

Also there are reports that we were trying to get ahold of plans for thier silent sub drive (like RED OCTOBER movie).

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