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Access to the Underground Portion of DIA?

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posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 12:02 AM
Perhaps unsafe, what if they have a few locals planted to discourage the spreading of intel? It would certainly be something I would do around my secret base, to get a heads up of those trying to investigate.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 12:04 AM
It's all about being discreet. You never confirm your intentions. Just ask like a local tourist that is curious, that's all. It's easy, once you get the hand of it.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 12:07 AM
You sound so sure of yourself, but I would be more wary. Though, perhaps if it is not a secret base, you are in no danger. Most likely, there is no huge secret, I do not believe that aliens have landed and established bases with government, perhaps I do not even believe aliens at all.

Anyways, be sure to not be seen badgering too many locals, for that would seem suspicious, no matter how innocent the question.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 12:22 AM
Like I stated in the previous post, it all depends on how you come across. If you seem overly excited or interested in a particular area or subject, your intention can be portrayed as such. The secret is to maintain a certain level of humility and awareness. If the subject you are speaking to suddenly becomes cautious and wary, do not continue interviewing the subject, but also do not immediately stop. Change the subject to something else along the lines of a topic they would feel comfortable speaking about. Just by the subject becoming suspicious or cautious about speaking about a certain topic can say a lot in itself.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:00 AM
I really shouldn't give out my secrets, but oh well... I doubt anyone I use this trick on reads the ATS boards anyways, lol...

Act stupid and skeptical. I got to talking to an old guy one night and mentioned the 'underground tunnels' in Cheyenne. He started acting wierd like he didn't want to talk about it, so I just started acting like a jackass and debunking the claims and he got upset and spilled the beans (turns out that it's a tunnel system that leads to and from old important buildings like the Atlas Theater to the Lincoln Theater to the Capitol building, etc.... basically for officials to get out of harms way easily... nothing too extravagant).

Find a local and start doing this... people get pissed when they know something and others won't believe them, and they will eventually tell you something along the lines of "if you don't believe me, go talk to so-and-so, or look it up here"... humans are so stupid, lol! Reminds me of the game peeps play with dogs- how many times can I pretend to throw this stick before you quit running for it?

BTW, I don't think you are even close to elite... more like 'PETITE!'... I know elephants sneakier than you! You couldn't sneak a leak under a waterfall!

pissed you off, didn't I? lol... j/k

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:05 AM
By the way, there is too much talk about this place to not consider it's validity. It is very possible that an underground facility is located here. Furthermore, the Masonic references and murals are very disturbing to me personally, and I would like to find out EXACTLY what the hell is going on over there. I believe that my actions are absolutely justifiable, for the simple reason of "what if". What if thousands of people are being held against their will as mentioned in previous threads and links? What if there is an underground experimental facility conducting illegal and un-authorized research, concealed from the public eye of scrutiny? What if the really is a tunnel system beneath the DIA linking all of the bases in question that have raised so much controversy? These are very possible theories, and must be confirmed. However, someone must take matters into their own hands. That is the only way that evidence, rock solid undeniable evidence, can truly be revealed. Risks must be taken, and I am willing to take those risks.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:08 AM
BTW, I don't think you are even close to elite... more like 'PETITE!'... I know elephants sneakier than you! You couldn't sneak a leak under a waterfall!

pissed you off, didn't I? lol... j/k

That's funny. However, it's not true. I am probably the stealthiest person you will ever meet. If you meet me at all.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:29 AM
LMAO!!! You didn't get my point at all, but that just goes to show you really are serious!

I was serious too... if you are elite and stealthy, you should know this as well. Even when I'm joking, there is seriousness to it (most of the time... I'll just let peeps figure that out for themselves...)

I totally agree with you. Actions are the best words. Do a search about the DIA on ATS. I went there last week and it's hard to get even close to the place, plus they have a military base nearby, so it's not a '#ing around' thing. As far as I know there are no outside exit/entrances, but there always has to be for safety reasons. Most of the time these will be covered up and look like a barbed fence with some wierd building, claimed to be an oil holding tank or some crap. I wouldn't even mess with these because of security. Best bet would be to find the cheapest plane ticket that leaves from the main terminal and start cruising around the place. Backdoors always have high security... which brings me to a new question, if you are what you say you are (not doubting, just questioning... take everything as fact and discard the rest... easier to do than digging through garbage finding truth) you should know that a backdoor is more heavily guarded than the front, right? Why are you looking for a back door to the place? Security doesn't think anyone is stupid (or brave) enough to just walk in the front and show themselves around.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:38 AM
Diversion is one of the best tactics in espionage. Focus the attention of security and other personnel in one area, while sneaking in another. Now of course, there are exceptions to this method. First would be high security facilities (which the upper level of DIA is not). An adequate diversion created in the AO of security will result in the entire facility being put on alert, and all points of entry closed and heavily guarded. The other, is that when a diversion is created, intending to draw the eye of scrutiny on security personnel's part to another area, depending on the sophistication of the force (experience, training, number of personnel, etc.), and their technological capabilities (CCTV, motion sensors, NV, etc.), they might not fall for it, and that could bring severe repercussions upon the unit. A properly trained security force will never abandon a post. Unless, that something happens where as everyone wants to get involved. Not needs to, but wants. It is then that they leave the junior guy back at the gate (or whatever you are trying to get into), and all run over to see what is so interesting. This is the best tactic to use on security personnel. Security personnel by nature love when things start happening. I know, I used to do it. It is a very boring job, and when # hits the fan, everybody wants a peice of the action. That is why I am curious about "secret" entrances and exit points.

Mr. M

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by StarChild]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:48 AM
By the way, Earthscum, I think me and you think a lot alike. You raise some very good questions, which tells me you know your stuff. Do you have any experience in these types of ops, or do you just read a lot?

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 01:59 AM
man, I really shouldn't be helping out on this, lol...

Due to terrorist attacks (or so they say) DIA doesn't have just 'security' anymore. They are covered by military. Growing up in a military city, I know they don't screw around. If you know, they know. You think if some guy speeds past a gate to cause diversion they won't immediatly guard other gates and start a full security lockdown?

IF you can cause a diversion, it will trigger alarms (not beeping alarms...) and they will divert all security personel to all entries... including, and especially, backdoors. Flights will be stopped and unloaded, and they will account for every person there. They don't # around.

I will honestly say this: I am more elite than you. Why? I know better than to be stupid enough to post on a public board about my intentions. Your IP adress is broadcast, no matter what. Hackers on IRC (including myself... not a hacker, more of a warrer...) have assured this. I don't care how many times you bounce off servers, you still leave a trail and are trackable. In fact, considering that I've been watching this post for about an hour now, I'd say they already have you tracked and are watching you. They have all your info, pics, SSN, everything. If you even stepped foot near DIA they would be on you. If you look even slightly suspicious, they will be on you like flies on #. Big Brother is real. Don't post crap like this on ATS, it makes us lose credibility. It makes us look like a bunch of militant , paranoid rednecks. The novelty of the idea wore off. I don't find it amusing anymore.

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 02:05 AM
I'm sorry you feel that way about me. However, forgiveness is one of my virtues, and I will forget that you called me stupid, and continue as if it never occured. Consider that your get out of jail free card.
I was hoping to become friends, however, I don't foresee that happening anytime soon.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 02:10 AM
Sry to sound like such an ass, but c'mon... it's all about being discrete, right? This thread was by no means discrete... I'm sure the 'secret government' watches these boards for info being leaked by people under contract or oath, or just militant freaks. This is a PUBLIC board... you might have well just got up in front of the Denver Capitol building and yelled out "WHO KNOWS HOW TO GET INTO DIA ILLEGALLY?". Sometimes inaction is the best action.

**EDIT- just adding, talk to or make friends with hackers... they will tell you how easily available info about anyone is on the internet. It's no joke... if you want even the slightest view on hacking, check out the CDC site (Cult of the Dead Cow)

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Earthscum]

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 02:12 AM
Good point.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by StarChild
1) I understand the ramifications.

2) However, I have been training by the best espionage experts, and have experience in this type of thing. With the right equipment, it's no problem at all.

3) Wish me luck!

1) Are you sure ?

2) Well, I think if it was true you woudln't post it on ATS.

3) Good luck ! ( and don't forget to take some pic. It will be the scoop of the century )

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 04:56 AM
1) Are you sure ?

2) Well, I think if it was true you woudln't post it on ATS.

3) Good luck ! ( and don't forget to take some pic. It will be the scoop of the century )


1) Yes. I am well aware.

2) Why not? I am not ashamed of my past, and have no reason to be.

3) Thanks! I will definitely provide intelligence for all to view upon completion. However, this event will not take place anytime soon.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 06:20 AM
so you all believe there are several storey bases below the denver international airport where they are doing Alien testing, have UFOs, Top secret testing, genetic testing, hybrid breeding??

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by sugeshotcha
so you all believe there are several storey bases below the denver international airport where they are doing Alien testing, have UFOs, Top secret testing, genetic testing, hybrid breeding??

In a way. It is definitely a possibility. There are a lot of variables involved, but yes, a possibility.

Mr. M

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 11:16 PM
Sometimes just wearing the right clothes, having the right state of mind along with a little luck can make you invisible.

There are some ways to get in without too much thought or research, but I have no interest in tipping off the wrong folks or getting a visit for doing so.

One time I was in a mad hurry to make a plane and without realizing it I somehow ended up in an employee only security area beneath an airport that I won't Identify. When I realized what I'd done I quickly looked back and saw a guy with a handle held radio up to his ear waving at me frantically. I thought oh fudge! Then I made for the nearest way out wondering if I'd beat the radio. Lucky for me I made an exit out and blended in.

Having not meant to go in there I was ready to tell the truth about why I was there and if confronted I would have lied and said I didn't notice the guy waving at me. If caught I figured at the very least I'd be missing my plane. Now - looking back I would call my actions selfish & stupid, but that was another time.

BTW-I did go through the security scan before I boarded the aircraft.

[Edited on 13-3-2004 by outsider]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Earthscum
man, I really shouldn't be helping out on this, lol...

Due to terrorist attacks (or so they say) DIA doesn't have just 'security' anymore. They are covered by military. Growing up in a military city, I know they don't screw around. If you know, they know. You think if some guy speeds past a gate to cause diversion they won't immediatly guard other gates and start a full security lockdown?

IF you can cause a diversion, it will trigger alarms (not beeping alarms...) and they will divert all security personel to all entries... including, and especially, backdoors. Flights will be stopped and unloaded, and they will account for every person there. They don't # around.

I will honestly say this: I am more elite than you. Why? I know better than to be stupid enough to post on a public board about my intentions. Your IP adress is broadcast, no matter what. Hackers on IRC (including myself... not a hacker, more of a warrer...) have assured this. I don't care how many times you bounce off servers, you still leave a trail and are trackable. In fact, considering that I've been watching this post for about an hour now, I'd say they already have you tracked and are watching you. They have all your info, pics, SSN, everything. If you even stepped foot near DIA they would be on you. If you look even slightly suspicious, they will be on you like flies on #. Big Brother is real. Don't post crap like this on ATS, it makes us lose credibility. It makes us look like a bunch of militant , paranoid rednecks. The novelty of the idea wore off. I don't find it amusing anymore.

BS! Don't pretend to be a super hacker, all american, top secret warrior. You haven't posted anything that a 12 year old couldn't come up with. You came up with some ideas about security and being sneaky.... Awesome. Not sure you will wind up with a black van parked out front of your apartment/house/shanty...

I will give you the benefit of the doubt as this was posted YEARS ago when people talked about being a "hacker" because they could change the wall-paper on their parent's pc.
Amazing. Did you honestly say "warrer"?? Seriously, who says sh*t like that? Warrer? Again, must be something in 2004 that made that sound fun or sexy....

Of course all posts are tracked by your IP. Where is the stunning news break there? Also, you are dead wrong that there are always ways of finding out who posted what and where they were. That is an ignorant post. If you believe that, then you really aren't familar with proxies or secure surfing. You can search for that info as I am sure you know where that is....


I hope that you were able to come up with something, anything interesting. I have just started getting into the DIA stories and have read as much as I could from people who have been through the airport and those that live nearby. Give us an update! Post some pics!

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