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Canadian Police Fooled By Imposter

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 05:43 PM
This is a bizarre story.

In late May, a man was pulled over for speeding by the OPP near Brantford. The man identified himself as David Lee Roth of the band Van Halen, and told police he was having a severe allergic reaction to nuts. Roth is known to have been in Quebec performing at the 400th Birthday celebrations earlier that month.

Police called an ambulance and the man was taken to hospital. The two officers involved went on local news stations saying how they saved Roth's life. But the story didn't end there.

Later, in June, David Lee Roth issued a statement from New York saying that police had the wrong guy, and that he wasn't allergic to nuts. This prompted an investigation that uncovered the imposter. He had been travelling around Ontario, scamming drinks, meals, free hotel rooms, and picking up women everywhere he went.

In fact, he discharged himself from the hospital and was seen partying with two nurses at a Hamilton night club.

Police have just now identified the man as David Kuntz of Cambridge, who played in the band Majesty in the 80s and was often mistaken for Roth.

All I can say is didn't the police check his ID when they pulled him over? Did he have fake ID? It is clear they just took his word for it that he was who he said he was.

Also, it has come to light that this guy has been doing this for some time and that the real David Lee Roth knows about him and wants the publicity. I mean, if someone was going around impersonating you wouldn't you press charges? Kuntz is facing obstruction of justice charges but no charges stemming from his identity theft.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:47 AM
More on Dave Kuntz, a.k.a David Angel, David P Angel

There is only a hint of it in the Globe and Mail treatment of this, but there were numerous articles at the time and it made for grim reading

link to Globe article

In July of 1988, the younger Mr. Kuntz, who had a band called Madjesty, found himself at the apex of a deadly love triangle, when one of the two women he had been seeing killed the other in a jealous rage. Kimberly Blinkhorn, 28, slashed and stabbed 21-year-old Rowena Parsons 70 times, and was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.

Kuntz was going through his Satanism phase then, and the murder went beyond jealousy. The victim's mother believed that Kuntz coerced Blinkhorn into killing Parsons (Parsons was the mother of Kuntz's child, who was three at the time and witnessed the murder). Blinkhorn, for her part worked four jobs and handed the money over to Kuntz to fund his rock band.

He has a gift for manipulation, is a pathological liar and has been living on the grift his entire life. Most likely a full-on sociopath.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:55 AM
Well I suppose that the police at the time were more worried about him going into anaphylactic shock and dying in their hands rather than checking his identity. Peanut allergies can be deadly and you wouldn't want to risk someones life on that. Im sure at the time they were preoccupied in trying to make sure that if he were to stop breathing, what they would have to do. A simple mistake is far better than a lawsuit especially since they thought he was a celebrity. I am curious as to why they didn't follow the ambulance to the hospital and get his information after treatment though.......a common practice of the R.C.M.P. and Vancouver city police here on the West coast.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:49 PM
Anonymous poster, thank you for that information. The story seems to have taken a bit of a sinister turn.

I found an article, with a picture of the imposter:

BRANTFORD, ONT. -- The Cambridge man who was posing as David Lee Roth in Brantford and area last month has a history of mesmerizing people to do his will.

David Kuntz was portrayed during a 1989 murder trial as a Svengali who successfully urged one girlfriend to kill another.

Kuntz testified he lied to Blinkhorn about loving her and had just used her as a source of money for his rock band. At one point, the woman was working three jobs at once and gave him around $15,000 to finance the band.

reply to post by QBSneak000

Apparently the police waited with Kuntz for the ambulance where he was pulled over. In that time they didn't ask to check ID? I think it was more like the 'Svengali' using his power of persuasion. The officer looked fairly young so he could have been a Van Halen fan and was star-struck.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 17-7-2008 by TheComte]

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