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EG&G and other Corporations in the Area 51

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 05:22 PM
Hi friends of ATS, I wonder whether EG&G provides weaponry and technology to the area 51. Has some relation the Corporation Carlyle Group with the defense contractor EG&G?

I don't know, but I realize that most civilian employees working in the area 51, form a part of some companies or basic military unit hired to groom lake. I have a few doubts: There are companies, aside from EG & G, which provide services to the area 51?; There are civilian employees of other companies working in Area 51?

Not long since I saw the news stating that the camo dudes receiving little salary, why?

Clearly, government employees working in groom lake with high security degree, included the military, form a part of some other private company. Por example, the scientific, engineering and technology applications company, (SAIC); maintain some connection with the Área 51?

What do you think???

Regards people.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by reynoldt

Since I can read my website logs, I can tell you that SAIC employees sure like Area 51. [I thought it was pretty funny when I bought some use lab gear from SAIC, like did they know it was me?] Check out this page
This contractor has a keen interest in Area 51.

EG&G isn't the company it used to be. Over the years, the various divisions have been sold. [I'm an ex-employee.] If you could view the annual reports over the years, you would see the shift. At this point, I don't think EG&G does much more than range services as part of JT3.
When the Beech Janet crashed a few years ago, the victims were listed as JT3 employees.

Search Ebay for EG&G, and you will find all the high tech gear the company used to make.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:44 AM
You say EG & G no longer provides services to Area 51?
And the Janet airlines ? whom is in charge of transport employees to groom lake?

Nowadays, who is the defense contractor of the area 51?
¿EG&G, SAIC, Howland Company?

EG&G isn't the company it used to be.

Since when EG&G no longer provides services to area 51? Could well be than EG&G keep doing something as a contractor at the Janet airlines flight operations, but equal instead, regarding to weaponry and tech provision, It is possible that SAIC is the leading company that provides services and matter of engineering to the area 51?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by reynoldt

EG&G still does range services and probably handles the Janets. [I would need to see the latest job offers to be sure.] However, it you look at what EG&G used to be, the company is a mere sliver of it's former self. Did you check ebay for old EG&G instrument and components as I suggested? Range services was a small part of the old company.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:20 PM
Yes, I agree gariac. In fact, I saw that EBAY sell some materials such as sensors, Amplifiers and other range.
If we assume that EG&G currently is being the defense contractor of Area 51, What stuff facilitate to area 51?
Today, engineering corporation SAIC plays some role in Groom Lake?
There are more companies involved in Groom lake?


[edit on 19-7-2008 by reynoldt]

[edit on 19-7-2008 by reynoldt]

[edit on 19-7-2008 by reynoldt]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by reynoldt

Well we know Howland was there. We know Lockmart is still there given the flights to the base, plus the Polecat crash. JT3 is likely. [I added two more flights to that thread, but given how ATC ranks posts, it has fallen off the radar.]

I think much of the dirty work around Groom Lake shows up as work tasked to Nellis. Take this for example:
Nellis contract
Now maybe some of this paving is being down at Groom. [You can see heavy machinery on my latest panorama, plus I have seen dirt hualers leave via gate 700. ] Or maybe the Red Horse squadron does work out there. Most of the heavy equipment entered via the back gate.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:41 AM
I've seen on the Lazy Granch website photographs of trucks the company Wall-Mart go out from the base. Does this company is also involved in Area 51?

When you say JT3, you are referring to the company Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford, Connecticut? Taking into account the latest theories and speculations about the possible corporations and private companies involved in Groom Lake, it appears to be that the 99th Contracting Squadron from Nellis, is recruiting new corporations to the area of technology, particularly engineering, aviation and stuff.

I will put the names of corporations that are participating in the Area 51 (are just assumptions). If I forgot the name of some company put here please.

- EG&G Special Projects: Janet Airlines
- SAIC; Science Applications International Corporation: Engineering and technology applications in Groom Lake.
- The Howland Company, Inc: Antennas, radar cross-section, aircraft nose radomes, cellular phones and Wireless LANS providing.
- Wall-Mart: ?
- Skunk Works- Lockheed Martin
- General Dynamics ?

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by reynoldt

The Wal-Mart trucks are seen all the time on the ET highway, but it has something to do with their distribution center in Utah. [Saint George IIRC.] There was one driver that would park at Coyote Summit whenever he saw plane spotters on the hill.

Someone sent me this SAIC advert that screams Groom Lake.


posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by gariac

Yeah... seem job offers high security that gives the company SAIC, but the most interesting thing that says this document Is the following:

The selected applicant will be a member of a remotely located team of government and contractor aircrews, maintainers, and analysts and is expected to make an immediate contribution to the team. The individual must possess a valid DoD TOP SECRET and must qualify for SCI and SAP/SAR clearances.

Clearly SAIC does not mention any name concerning Groom lake.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 08:14 AM
Still another document offering job opportunities, It is possible that to work as employee in groom lake or in the NTS. Who will want to work as a defense contractor in a location as dangerous as this?, since they are in danger fall ill because of radioactive contamination that are being dumped in open pits in Groom lake. What we do not understand is why the USAF burning these radioactive waste in silos and in open pits at Groom Lake and the NTS, did not know they are seriously polluting the air and workers there?

I know that the U.S. government and the USAF has the ruling total to decide these things, but knowing that this is being done in Groom Lake and NTS, Is not it possible to do anything to avoid this?


P.D: Document is the penultimate and is entitled: Stockpile Stewardship Consultant

[edit on 23-7-2008 by reynoldt]

[edit on 23-7-2008 by reynoldt]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 07:32 PM
Stumbled upon this the other day. State of Nevada Health Division under Human Services. Clicking contacts, EMS Region 4 you will find:
Captain Allen Zehms
Address: Det/3 AFFTC/CESF P O Box 19070
Telephone number 702-382-9051 extention 53221
Fax number 702-382-7698
Can you guess where this phone number will take you? I suggest you be very creative in your thinking before you dial this number as in get your mindset ready for what you might say or have to answer. Then you can fax away until your hearts desire.

If your in to email, you can try Vicky Clineman at [email protected]. Ask her what she does for a living. I suggest you get this out to as many people as possible as this will probably go away real quick and probably upset more than a few people. Please keep my email and other information out of any postings please. Have fun with this and remember, be creative before calling, faxing, or emailing.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by reynoldt

EG&G still does range services and probably handles the Janets. [I would need to see the latest job offers to be sure.] However, it you look at what EG&G used to be, the company is a mere sliver of it's former self. Did you check ebay for old EG&G instrument and components as I suggested? Range services was a small part of the old company.

My uncle works for EG&G at Area 51. He's been in the Air Force since 1966 and this is his last job. Super sensitive job he can't talk about, so yes EG&G is still at A51. He lives in Vegas.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by ufo reality]

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