Just how much faith should we have in the FDA?
I pushed this one aside for years before accepting the fact that these are not theories, but cold hard facts.
The FDA knowingly approves medications every year which kill tens of thousands of Americans and cause terminal damage to a handful of patients that do
Three years at age 22 I was under treatment of hypertension by my family physician, I was told that my problem may have been rooted from undiagnosed
ADHD. I was given the medication Adderall XR marketed by Shire pharmaceuticals and approved by the FDA, July 1999.
I accepted the diagnosis and agreed to give it a shot as my ability to concentrate for long periods of time did seem a little less than desirable.
The day I started the medication my attention span and ability to perform was outstanding, it wasn't until several months later that reality came
hammering down.
I spent a couple of nights in the ER with numbness and weakness down the right side of my body, vision and hearing both distorted in my right eye/ear.
After going through a dozen chapters of tests I was told that I wasn't going to die and would need to follow up with a couple of specialists as soon
as possible.
Three years later I'm finally getting answers. This medication caused irreversible damage to my heart which has caused poor circulation to the right
side of my body, as well as neurological/nerve damage which is still under diagnosis. If I would have remained on this medication, I would have
likely suffered a heart attack or possible stroke.
With that said. The FDA is aware of the sudden death factor in young adults and children using this medication. This drug among others has been
removed from the shelves and banned in all developed countries except for the United States.
In 2003 Health Canada banned the use of Adderall after dozens of teenage children died due to heart failure proven to be induced by the use of the
** 2004 Of the 20 cases of sudden death linked to the drug, 14 involved children. Two of the 12 reported strokes were in children.**
Having had a personal experience with this drug I decided to write a thread on it, if I had experienced anything different with another drug I would
certainly be posting it here as well. The list of dangerous drugs the FDA deems safe for us and our children to consume is a mile long and quite
honestly scares the crap out of me.
If you have had similar experiences with drugs approved by the FDA I encourage you to post them. I'm not suggesting this is population control or a
conspiracy deeper than facts, but possibly a cash crop which is simply larger than the price of your life.
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Source #3
Source #4
[edit on 15-7-2008 by Quarantine]