posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7
I'm afraid that you're the one that is spouting crap without research. We DO NOT have the land and the permits. Harry Reid is a liar. Yes, the
oil companies own land they don't drill on. Do you know why?
Because owning a land lease does not give you the right to drill. Oil companies own countless land leases where they are allowed to EXPLORE for oil
but they aren't allowed to drill. There is more than one kind of lease - there are leases that allow you to explore, leases that allow you to drill
test wells and leases that allow you PRODUCE OIL. The leases that Harry Reid is talking about - the millions of acres of land oil companies have
leases for - are the leases that allow them to explore and drill test wells, but NOT allowed to produce.
On top of that, the fields that they CAN produce on, they can't use all the land because there just isn't oil there. An oil company could own
10,000 acres in an area but there's only oil under 1,000 of those acres. Harry Reid adds the 9,000 acres where there's no oil into his quota of XX
million acres the oil companies don't drill on.
The oil companies are doing everything they can do drill. The problem is, the area that they lease that they aren't drilling on CAN'T be drilled on
because they're either not allowed to produce or there is no oil there.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and the rest of the Democrats lie right to your face. They give you a half truth and they don't explain to
you the reason why they don't drill on the land. You support a group of liars. Why ANYONE would trust these Democrats is beyond me. The only reason
why they have any support is because of misinformed individuals. I hope you gain something out of my post, I really do. Education is the key, my
friend, and I PROMISE YOU, if you actually take the next couple months to read about these Democrats you support, you'd no longer vote for them if
you actually loved America. If you have any questions, please U2U me. I'd be more than happy to explain to you the half-truths and outright lies
that come out of their mouths.
As for the electric car, it isn't feasible. They only go for ~40 miles between charges and then you have to plug them in. If everyone in America
had a car charging overnight, the entire power grid would go down. We simply don't have the electricity - which is generated by coal BTW - to
support the electric car. The internal combustion engine won because there were refueling stations everywhere and they'd go a lot further than an
electric car. Gasoline technology is much more powerful and efficient by comparison to electric technology.
[edit on 19-7-2008 by ChocoTaco369]