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'First Guantanamo video' released

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 06:36 AM

"It shows 16-year-old Omar Khadr being asked by Canadian officials in 2003 about events leading up to his capture by US forces, Canadian media have said.

The Canadian citizen is accused of throwing a grenade that killed a US soldier in Afghanistan in 2002. "

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 07:55 AM
That poor poor boy. He was taken at only 15. Even if he did throw the hand grenade, does that really justify 7 years in Guantanamo with no fair trial?? No, it does not! And it never will! If they had evidence that he did it. They would have charged him by now. They would've charged all of them by now.

How can we let this continue? Why is every Canadian citizen not marching at this outrage? Why is every single patriotic US citizen not marching on the streets at this outrage? Where is the justification? Don't you wonder why the rest of the world is starting to hate America as a nation? Why they are starting to see 'America' as your poisoned Government and not as you, it's people? You're next people of America!

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:48 AM
What a disgrace, hes just a kid caught up in a stupid war. Taken across the other side of the world most likely tortured and beaten with no trial, America should be setting a example but the Goverment seems to have more in common with the Taliban.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Nammu
That poor poor boy. He was taken at only 15. Even if he did throw the hand grenade, does that really justify 7 years in Guantanamo with no fair trial?? No, it does not! And it never will! If they had evidence that he did it. They would have charged him by now. They would've charged all of them by now.

I would say he's lucky he wasn't killed on the spot if he threw a grenade.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Oh please, cry me a river.

This little punk should 'man-up' and stop his crying. If you can't do the time then don't do the crime. Now that he is crying, I am supposed to feel sorry for him and forget how he killed in A-stan by throwing a grenade? Pfft...he deserves whatever he gets!

Hmm...I guess the Canadian 15 year old boy was just on vacation in A-stan seeing the sights during wartime right? BTW, where were his parents? How could they let a 15 year old go to A-stan by himself? What sort of parenting is this? Anyway, he was probably one of these brainwashed liberals who thinks America is evil and wanted to teach them a lesson. So he flew over to A-stan to make a point and now that he has been caught throwing a grenade and killing people, I'm supposed to feel sorry for him? Don't think so!!

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

If he did throw the grenade then he should be put on trial, so you up for locking up kids with no trials in torture camps? What are America doing in Afghnistan anyway it certainly wasn't for Osama. Hitler would be proud of your attitude to human rights.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:07 PM
Respect your enemies enough to kill them on the field of battle. TAKE NO PRISONERS. Everybody LIES UNDER TORTURE. These detainees are not tortured to extract new information. They are tortured to get them to confess to a story already concocted by the torturers.


posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by estar
If he did throw the grenade then he should be put on trial, so you up for locking up kids with no trials in torture camps?

Umm....did you even read the link or do you just get excited over headlines?

Since it's apparent you did not read the story, I will tell you that he will be getting a trial. Here is a quote from the article:

"Mr Harper reiterated last week that he would not interfere in Mr Khadr's military tribunal, due to begin at Guantanamo on 8 October."

So please take your faux outrage elsewhere.

What are America doing in Afghnistan anyway it certainly wasn't for Osama.

Good Lord man, do you even know what is going on?
We are in A-stan because of the Taliban. Have you heard of them?
Instead of being a brainwashed liberal who likes to spew talking points, please try and think for yourself and do a little research. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 05:14 PM
What does a 17 yeard old kid know anyway?

I mean...what did we know when we were 17? He is a kid. If he is guilty then its most probable that he has been brain washed......f*cked up by society...who knows???

If he did throw a grenade, then the question should be, why did he throw it. What caused, like many youngsters, the need to try and act wether it is right or wrong.

I dont know where I am going with this....but i think you catch my drift.

I have kids and for me to see what could be my child in the future....its scares me. These governments can do whatever they want even if you are 100% innocent.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 05:28 PM
What people need to understand is that this can soon, and will soon happen to anyone.

Furthermore I believe this tape to be propaganda.

Meaning there's, im sure, worse worse worse videos

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

see this is what I find entertaining.. ppl arguing over what the reasons for A-stan and Iraq were for going there caling shots to SAY what were doing over there... not saying your wrong... but I dunno too many ppl that have actually been over there to see it with there own eyes... my father in law trains soldiers before they go to A-stan he just got back actually.... he says the general consensus is that noone can agree on the real reasons and dont want to be there at all.

anyways my point is.. how do you know those are the real reasons for being in A-stan? because CNN says so? the Taliban? from my understanding there minions of higherups over here doing there bidding to some extent... I dont think anyone will ever know... we're told the same BS everyone else is....

[edit on 16-7-2008 by ToolFanMael]

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