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vampires & New Orleans?

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posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: quaple_pouge

I was in the city 10 + years ago, and trust me, there were vampires.  I'm not sure if you have come across the name "Kagens" which was a bar on Decatur Street?  Well, it WAS a vampire bar.  Not a goth bar like Whirling Dervish. VAMPIRE.

It was said that Satan resided there, and the guy that everyone said was Satan always creeped me out, I would steer clear of him even before I knew that he was "Satan". I truly believe that he was (and probably still is) a "real" vampire.

There were always a few people, male and female, that hung around with the "known" vamps that were extremely pale, dark circles under the eyes and pretty emaciated... I always just figured they were around strictly for the purpose of feeding...

I would have liked to visit it...

originally posted by: niteboy82

I remember hearing rumors about them being able to get into the underground area of the quarter, like where you walk on the sidewalk and can look down a good ten-fifteen feet below where all the electrical stuff is. However, I don't even know where the entrance of that is, and I have never seen anyone down there.

originally posted by: madhatter3113

No, i haven't heard of Kagens.  I'm pretty sure it's gone, now.
The Dirvish is still there, though, as is some bar called Pravda (spelled in fake cyrillic). It seems a little "higher class" than the Whirling Dirvish, & it's still a darkish bar. But I never got the feeling it was a vampire bar.
A few people realize that even though NOLA is so low in altitude and homes don't have basements, there actually IS an underground.  I've noticed that myself. I think the first time was when I walked across one of those grates when it was cool out and felt this heat coming out of them.  I looked down and had to move around to get @ a good angle to the street light shine, but I saw there electrical equipment down there and the "floor" was at LEAST one story down. Probably closer to 15 feet in some places like you said.

I know someone who works for the power company, so I'll ask is there an "entrance grate"  Maybe I'll go exploring around down there.

originally posted by: madhatter3113

I just asked the guy I know who works for the power company abotu the "electrical vaults".  He said:

Some vaults are pretty big, much larger than the grate is.  He's been in a few.  He said that someone may be able to live in one of the bigger vaults, but it's really dangerous because it's easy to kill yourself if you are not aware of the things to avoid touching.

He said there are no passages linking the vaults.  Theres is conduit, many 4" diamater pipes with cable in them, conncting the vaults, but nothing near big enough for a person to crawl through.  And there never were any large passageways connectign the vaults.

He said he is strictly referring to the "electrical vaults", the ones with the transformers & whatnot in them.  He said vaults of other types MAY have connectign passages, IF they exist.  He does nto know of any other than the electrical ones.

He also mentioned some tunnels by the convention center @ the end of Canal St.  He said the city was working on a Subway project, which they abandoned.  As far as he knows the tunnels are still there, but are sealed up.  Maybe the vampires live here?  I'm going to go investigate & see if  I can find a way in or if someone else opened them up.

for mentioning those underground rooms.  No one else I know of knows about 'em.  (They're really obvious, but no one bothers to look.)  They're fascinating & I hate to be a debunker but I don't think vampires travelled in them.  Maybe lived down there.

Oh, it's interesting!

originally posted by: Anonymous ATS
reply to post by quaple_pouge

A friend of mine just told me a story today about his experience in a vampire bar in new orleans. I don't know what street, I didn't want to ask any questions. But his story was so interesting. Him and his friends saw a man come out from behind a large poster, hung on a wall in a dark alley. First they thought the man had just walked through the wall, so they went over to the poster to investigate. They lifted the poster which was hiding the entrance to this bar. It wasn't a bar at first though. They had to walk into this building for a bit, and I think he said something about going over a bridge. Finally they came to the room where there was this bar. It was dark, and everyone turned and looked at them slowly, all at the same time. They left right away when they realized it was a vampire bar.

It was an awesome story. I wish I could have come across it.

What was the bar?

originally posted by: Jane1986
a reply to: Jane1986

I have 3-4 photo in NYC during the day , cant seem to post them .. Both have very strange accents and can speak alot of languages there bodies are perfect and very cheerful people

Can you show us the photos you have taken?

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