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help me understand RODS PLEASE!!

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posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 09:42 PM

I would dearly love to know

what in the heck

is a ROD???????


posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 09:45 PM
it is a bug caught on video tape. A video records at 30 frames per second. At that shutter speed, a flying insect blurs to form a line about an inch or two long.

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 09:45 PM
There is a thread called: Mysterious Skyfish?.

Plenty of good info there.

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 10:06 PM
thanks a bunch. So theyre insects eh?
I heard somewhere that US military wanted to use rods as a projectile or something. interesting.


posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 10:43 PM
The rods you were originally referring to are A) Insects flying close to the lense, or B) Some unknown creature that we haven't been able to study.

Since A has been covered, I'll cover B... and see if I can find some links. Firstly, there have been MANY pictures taken of rods to prove they aren't just insects. They are kinda like a foot-long balloon with little fins along the side and are very hard to see. People who have reported seeing a rod stationary say they make a loud 'pop' when they take off. Also it is reported that they are about as fragile as a soap bubble, and this is why no scientists have been able to capture one for study and there are no corpses. Last I knew nobody had even a clue as to what they were, other than what I have explained.

BTW, they used high-speed cameras to capture the rods withoput them blurring... the best pic I've seen was about a dozen flying around the opening of a cavern/sinkhole.

These aren't quite like the Rods I've seen in other pics, but this guy took enough pics from different angles for a person to actually comprehend that it isn't a bird

Here is a good place to start checking out rods.

Now, the second rods you were talking about (the ones the Gov wants to use) is actually a weapon that shoots (or will shoot) (aluminum?) rods at a high velocity. There are several recent threads on ATS about this... it's called "Rods From God".

One last note... some of the reported UFO craft that are cigar-shaped are often referred to as 'rods', and the lifeform (energyform?) Rods are often referred to in UFO context. To be able to do a decent search you have to weed out all the actual UFO stuff. Rods are simply an energy or life (Energy Lifeform... don't understand why people think that life HAS to be made of matter, but they still believe in Ethereal life such as angels and souls).

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 10:47 PM

A picture is worth a thousand words.

[Edited on 9-3-2004 by kinglizard]

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 10:55 PM

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 11:20 PM
Well, from what I read all he proved was taht objects 'streak' on a still frame from a video camera... duh. Also, he's showing most of the crappy pics that have already been known to NOT be rods. Guess I'll be searching some more for the pics I saw... one was actually sitting on the ground and took off (video). Grr... lost bookmarks is equivilant of a lost mind!

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 02:04 AM
Yeah, I bought into the rods thing too a few years back after hearing about them on the radio & going to the website.

After seeing some video demonstrations where they purposely made known insects look exactly like rods, there's no doubt in my mind that rods are just insects.

Those of you who still believe in them, do a search & you'll find the evidence.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 04:33 AM
Here is my 2 cents from watching the vids and pics....

Rods are earth beings, not supermnatural, not aliens...

Just as we only saw some beings using a microscope (like the bugs that live in your eyebrows) or others are nearly transparent like some small fish, thses are animals that live around us but are only seen using a camera.

They have always been there, just out of our perception. Using a camera we can see them...

Aint nature wonderful....

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 08:38 AM
I'm sticking with...

it is a bug caught on video tape. A video records at 30 frames per second. At that shutter speed, a flying insect blurs to form a line about an inch or two long.

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 04:17 AM
If anybody has been to the NAWC/NAWS Chinalake for awhile then they would know about the SPOOK project, if by chance you were that deep in Michealson Labratory. You would also know that there is a Lazer Test range there, well, if you were able to get that much information, usually you have to have cosmic security clearance. Anyways, There are other test ranges around the world, UK, etc... Well, if it is a short blast just meant to disable not uncover there coverup, then you will only get about a couple millisecond shot of the lazer being fired, (From whatever it is being fired from-will not discuss more)and when you watch the range videos from small blasts, it looks identical, yet if you look at a long blast or "splash" you can see and make out what it is. So I could understand if they used small splashes to disable certain key areas. Some people said they were HARMS(AGM-88) I just want to say this, when did anyone see a radar or SAM sight in downtown bahgdad? Plus HARMS use a standard propulsion, so it would be long, not a fraction of a second.

posted on Mar, 16 2004 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I'm sticking with...

it is a bug caught on video tape. A video records at 30 frames per second. At that shutter speed, a flying insect blurs to form a line about an inch or two long.

not trying to be a smart ass to the moderator.
but if your using a more professional camera that is digital, the shutter speeds can get faster than 30 frames a sec, do we know if it was a high speed shutter? I have used camera's that go up to a shutter speed of 1000. I think there is faster though. Please don't take this post wrong.

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