I just finished watching this documentary called "The Moses Code". It reminded me of that DVD that made a stir a while back called "The Secret."
It just kept going on about the quote in the Old Testament where Moses talks to the burning bush (which is apparentely God) that tells him to demand
the Romans release the captive Hebrews. When Moses is finished talking with this fiery bush he asks it who he should tell the Romans it is that demand
this. The bush replies "I am that I am." And at this time some people belived that this was the first time in history that people knew the true name
of God.
Well basically for the next hour they repeat that phrase, "I am that I am" over and over, while also implying that it is also a code. They claim
that if you can unlock this code you can harness this energy and somehow unlock some sort of secret to life. They say that the phrase is missing a
comma and should actually read "I am that, I am." Which basically implies that god is omnipresent. He is all that there is, all sorts of life, and
even the earth itself.
While I agree somewhat with the idea put forth that God is omnipresent, i totally disagree that repeating to yourself while looking at bushes and such
the phrase "I am that, I am" over and over again is somehow going to unlock some sort of magical code which will allow you to fullfill your life
with happiness and wealth and such. And the DVD implies this over and over.
It seems to me that this is just another gimmick to push these new age DVDs onto people for the purpose of making themselves money, while also making
the person watching think it will somehow endow them with great weath also. Yea right, a DVD for $20 bucks that will get you rich and also bestow upon
you a great deal of weath (in whatever context they mean when they say wealth, AND THEY DO SAY "WEALTH" PLENTY OF TIMES.
While I do put some stock into the "Law of Attraction" Theory talked about in the movie "The Secret," I don't know exactly what to think about
this so called Moses Code. Its almost as if they are straight up saying that God is everything and somehow if you know that that then you will reap
great benefits, But it isn't really portraying it as a religious message. Its more or less a bunch of scholars and people who are already well to do.
I would guess that most of them are members of Secret Societies also.
I just think it has gotten out of hand a bit with these types of messages or codes or whatever. Its almost as if the rich are just ripping off the
poor by selling them hopes and dreams in DVD format, all while either laughing in their own heads at us, or possibly even believing thier own BS.
Would anyone else who has seen this movie care to share their thoughts? Or does anyone care to comment on the subject matter of this thread? Is it all
Secret Society brainwashing? Or do think there could be something to it?