posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:31 PM
How is a redneck hunter like a wispy vegan?
How is a transindentalist like a zelot christian?
How is war mongering republican like a "peace" loving hippy?
If these are not polar enough for you think of the hardest case for two humans not being alike. Go ahead, I'll wait...
To Know one's self is one of a handful of the greatest spiritual conquest one can quest after in this illusion of life. Yet, like the bulk of the
populis most look to take shortcuts. They quickly wish to affix a labble onto themselves to let the world outside know "what they stand for". They
lie to themselves and others in the namesake of knowing the nature of their self.
This is all rampid egotisim. They wish to believe they are the illusion of their self that they wish to see within their self and project outside
themselves into the illusion that is physical reality.
Reality is 95% personalized perception. So if you want to believe in a "NWO" your brain will show you what it is you wish to see. Or if you wish to
believe yourself a peaceful animal loving vegan, then of course you're going to see those that kill and eat animals as the "evil ones".
However these are all lies you tell yourself...
You're living in a dream world NEO.