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SHOCKING VIDEO: Flight 93 Eyewitness says No BOEING 757 crashed in Shanksville on 9/11

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:11 AM
This women has been interviewed multiple times and her story has never changed.

I take personal pride in my abiliites to read body language. I can spot a liar before they open their mouths. This women is honest.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:14 AM
So the official story of flight 93 is busted.

Can you say Rico Law?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:52 AM
The Irreducible Delusion in this particular argument is there was no airplane crash in PA.

Hundreds of First responders, the local Sheriff's Department, the Fire Department, Coroner, media who covered the story, the airline company itself and volunteers all disagree with this assertion.

Tons (literally) of aircraft wreckage, personal effects and body parts entirely consistent with FLT 93 were recovered.

There is no reason to follow the rabbit deeper into the hole. These are basic facts.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:16 PM
What the heck is the delusion you keep posting about in every thread? Are you going to start posting some scientific evidence to back up your debunking, or are you going to keep posting your unsupported psychological bs?
If the official story is right and all the ct's are wrong, you should be able to shut them up with hard facts and science, not opinionated attempts at discrediting posters.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:17 PM
Dig deeper into this subject.

The end result is that you will learn that flight 93 never crashed in Shanksville. All the evidence from the crash site proves this.

" No need to dig deeper" pfffffff......

We havent even begun.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
The Irreducible Delusion in this particular argument is there was no airplane crash in PA.

Hundreds of First responders, the local Sheriff's Department, the Fire Department, Coroner, media who covered the story, the airline company itself and volunteers all disagree with this assertion.

Nope you are in wonderland again toto. THe media, the police, the 1st responders all said that there was no plane in that small 10x30 ft crater with no burned grass.

Tons (literally) of aircraft wreckage, personal effects and body parts entirely consistent with FLT 93 were recovered.

Actaully no parts were recovered. The only parts youl'l see if from some garbage bin taken in 2006. No body parts nothing. It was all part of the simulated crash exercise scheduled for the johnstown airpost adjacent to the Shanksville crash.

There is no reason to follow the rabbit deeper into the hole. These are basic facts.

This statement alone proves that you are getting desperate and have completely failed to prove a plane crashed in Shanskville on 911 and it also tells us that this is what we should investigate.

Always look the opposite way from where these people are trying to point you.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:09 PM
Would any of you official story tellers like to attack this poor lady witness?

What she said is honest. Many people can corroberate her story. You cant discount her story because its true and goes against the official garbage.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 08:46 AM
Not only did witnesses not see the boeing 757 they asaw something the ' size of a van' hit the ground instead.

On 911 they had multiple faked hijackings, cruise missiles and other drones acting as a threat flying over some parts of north america.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana
Dig deeper into this subject.

The end result is that you will learn that flight 93 never crashed in Shanksville. All the evidence from the crash site proves this.

" No need to dig deeper" pfffffff......

We havent even begun.

I think this can be quickly put to rest.

Why is Dom Dimaggio now convinced, despite his best intentions, that a 757 crashed in Shanksville?

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Actually, on second thought, don't bother responding.

I think it's pretty clear from your untenable assertions and the fact that you've just reopened every inactive thread you ever authored that you are only trolling.

And on 9/11, of all days.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

[edit on 11-9-2008 by discombobulator]

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by thedman
Eye witnesses are often unreliable - thats why need to be backed up
with hard evidence. If it was a missile explain how 60 tons of
parts from B 757 got there and how the first responders saw the
ground littered with debris from aircraft. Or the human remains
recovered - missiles don't have seats for passengers. Or the FDR
recording United 93 as being rolled over, nose down at 500 knots.

That's interesting... considering that the plane weighs 142,000 pounds without fuel, cargo and passengers. Your assertion that they recovered 60 tons (Or 120,000 pounds) of parts indicates that over 80% of the plane was recovered - which we all know is pure BULLOCKS!

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by thedman
Eye witnesses are often unreliable - thats why need to be backed up
with hard evidence. If it was a missile explain how 60 tons of
parts from B 757 got there and how the first responders saw the
ground littered with debris from aircraft. Or the human remains
recovered - missiles don't have seats for passengers. Or the FDR
recording United 93 as being rolled over, nose down at 500 knots.

That's interesting... considering that the plane weighs 142,000 pounds without fuel, cargo and passengers. Your assertion that they recovered 60 tons (Or 120,000 pounds) of parts indicates that over 80% of the plane was recovered - which we all know is pure BULLOCKS!

"The crash scene is a lie, staged and evidence fabricated and planted"

The cant debunk the truth. There was a show on TVO about 911 and the question wass brought up about the lack of plane being found in Shanksville and no one can prove one did. The debunkers tried to derail the subject and make it about some silly shoot down theory.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 01:18 AM
I just happened to come on this site accidentally and read most of the commentary in the beginning , halfway through gave up reading most of the repeated bs that there was a wreckage, when there obviously wasn't anything. If anyone has any doubt about what might have happened, I invite you to watch a movie called 911: in plane sight on google. It's there free for anyone who wishes to be enlightened. Then just make up your mind. It's ok to live in denial, just don't expect everyone else to.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 01:54 AM
Forget about a plane crashing.
Imagine you hear an explosion in th woods and find a crater that has no debris from a commercial jet. What would you think caused that crater?
The media tell us its a plane but when looking at the photo's you have to push that out of your mind and just think what caused this. Planting in our heads the idea of the plane will lead you to different conclusions.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by thedman
Eye witnesses are often unreliable - thats why need to be backed up
with hard evidence. If it was a missile explain how 60 tons of
parts from B 757 got there and how the first responders saw the
ground littered with debris from aircraft. Or the human remains
recovered - missiles don't have seats for passengers. Or the FDR
recording United 93 as being rolled over, nose down at 500 knots.

Bob Blair was completing a routine drive to Shade Creek just after 10 a.m. Tuesday, when he saw a huge silver plane fly past him just above the treetops and crash into the woods along Lambertsville Road.

Blair, of Stoystown, a driver with Jim Barron Trucking of Somerset, was traveling in a coal truck along with Doug Miller of Somerset, when they saw the plane spiraling to the ground and then explode on the outskirts of Lambertsville.

“I saw the plane flying upside down overhead and crash into the nearby trees. My buddy, Doug, and I grabbed our fire extinguishers and ran to the scene,” said Blair.

"It was low enough, I thought you could probably count the rivets. You could see more of the roof of the plane than you could the belly. It was on its side. There was a great explosion and you could see the flames. It was a massive, massive explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom cloud."

Then Peterson said he saw a fireball, heard an explosion and saw a mushroom cloud of smoke rise into the sky.

Peterson rushed to the scene on an all-terrain vehicle and when he arrived he saw bits and pieces of an airliner spread over a large area of an abandoned strip-mine in Stonycreek Township.

"There was a crater in the ground that was really burning," Peterson said. Strewn about were pieces of clothing hanging from trees and parts of the Boeing 757, but nothing bigger than a couple of feet long, he said. Many of the items were burning.

Miller was familiar with scenes of sudden and violent death, although none quite like this. Walking in his gumboots, the only recognisable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord, with five vertebrae attached. 'I've seen a lot of highway fatalities where there's fragmentation,' Miller said. 'The interesting thing about this particular case is that I haven't, to this day, 11 months later, seen any single drop of blood. Not a drop. The only thing I can deduce is that the crash was over in half a second. There was a fireball 15-20 metres high, so all of that material just got vaporised.'"

Conspiracy kooks like to home in on those "witnesses" whose
stories can be twisted to confirm their fantasies while ignoring all
other evidence.

i spoke with bob blair multiple times over the course of a year and bob did not witness the plane crash.

due to his location on route 30 near stoystown auto wreckers and the crash site it would be impossible due to elevation.

bob and doug witnessed a low flying plane disappear behind the tree lines. shortly there after they saw smoke.

it takes roughly 5 minutes to drive to the crash site from the auto wreckers i've done it myself.

when bob and doug got there they managed to extinguish all the jet fuel based fires before stoystown fire department arrived on the scene. about 10 minutes after the explosion.

now picture that.

2 guys with fire extinguishers in their work truck extinguish all the jet fuel based fires from a crashed 757 before even the first responders arrive on the scene.

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