reply to post by jedimiller
Im sure you know about the Hollow Earth theory?
The theory that inside our Planet, there are caverns that are so huge, you could actually fly a jumbo jet through them (if the openings where large
Some caverns are so big ive seen people just sit down where they where standing because of the shock and awe of it all.
Hollow Earth theory also covers stories of people who claim they have wandered into the inside of the earth whilst exploring the polar regions, they
talk of a race of beings that have been down there longer than Humans have been up here.
Hollow Earth
Now im not saying it is true, i just find the whole subject matter fascinating,
being a Geologist thats no surprise, ive been lucky enough to visit some incredible places in south America that made me feel so insignificant and
I suppose seeing some of the places i have, then it is certainly possible if not probable that there are places inside our earth, where you could
perhaps fit the whole of NYC inside,(adjusting for height and shape) volume wise, and if places like that exist, then why not a form of humanoid race?
after all wher does big foot go? and the yeti? people have often reported UFOs vanishing inside of mountains or seeming to disappear into the ground,
even under the Oceans there has to be access to places and under seabed caverns and sink holes.
There are types of sinkholes under the ocean big enough to swallow the biggest of nuclear submarines, in fact it is one of the dangers of the seas,
because some of these sink holes are full of fresh water, which can be a problem for ocean going subs, because of the density of the water, causing
them to suddenly fall, almost like an airplane hitting an airpocket and dropping a few thousand feet in a few seconds, but for a submarine obviously
the drop wouldnt be so quick,
I would like to add, i dont know of any submarine that has had a problem with these sinkholes, and that not all sinkholes in the oceans are full of
fresh water, the freshwater comes from underground systems just like on dry land, where water is pushed out into the sinkholes from undergrund rivers
and aquifers.