posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 03:18 PM
My theory on why drugs are illegal.
When watching the history channel something came to me. A show was on about the beginnings of the mafia in the US. How they came over from Sicily,
and set up shops in NY, Philly, Chicago etc. Then they gained power and got into politics. This is in the 1900's-1920's.
Getting to the point, I bet that many of the politicians that backed proabition were in the pocket of the mob. Reason being, when it became illegal,
the mob was the only ones that could smuggel the booze into the country, thus making huge profits.
Fast forward, 1950's and 1960's, CIA is rummored to have connections with the mob. While Nixon declares the war on drugs i.e.
proabition. Then CIA and Mob starts running drugs, while the government cracks down on any competition the CIA might have (drug running).
So basicially the war on drugs is actually the war on illegal drug competition. What do you think?
[Edited on 10-3-2004 by Wgatenson]