posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Not at all, thats the trick to being intelligent. We can learn and adapt, and build on past learnings.
Its not only dogs that can't understand the concept of Atomic structure. No animals apart from humans can. Simply because humans are the only
Intelligent animals on this planet, humans are the only species able to ask the question 'Why?'.
Sure some humans learn faster and are more 'intelligent' than others, there might even be Extraterrestrial races out there who are vastly more
intelligent and learn much faster than us. But still, there is no reason human knowledge can not continue to grow infinitely, every discovery just
reveals more 'Why?'s for us to work on.
Personally I think people tend to pervert the use of the term 'enlightenment'. People tend to use it now in an arrogant fashion. People who have
thoughts or feelings about Life and the Universe which Science disproves, tend to reconcile this with their own ego by thinking that everyone else is
more stupid than they,as they are the only ones who can see this 'truth'.