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Ohio Grass man Expedition Aug. 2008

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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 11:23 AM
I can say that from a hunters prospective that scent plays a big part in every animals life. By all means try not to eat any spicy foods a week before you plan to go in. These days there are special chothesw that you can buy that block scent. My hunting partners and I don't use them. Rather, we collect things from the woods that are native to that area. Pine linbs, leaves, weeds or anything that grows wild there. Place those items in a garbage bag with your clothes and hang them in a clean dry place for a week or so.

Above all.......don't bath with any scented soaps or shampoos before you go! And if you have to relieve yourself, pee on a plastics container with a lid, or deficate in a hole and cover it.

Hope this helps.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:29 PM
Hey, have you done this yet? Would love to see the outcome! My buddy lives in Ohio, but she's never heard of this myth herself, lol! (I say this as I'm chatting to her right now!)

Good luck - hopefully there will be some hard evidence rather than sketchy stuff I seem to see often. Hope it all goes well!!

Emmy x

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by maggotwings

me and my friends have attempted monsterquest a few times befor being immature or whatever, but now i want to see him and i am just wondering if there are any tips?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:30 PM
My coworker actually uses cigars to attract deer while hunting... so i think that actually works in the opposite of what you're trying to do.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:22 PM
i just saw the monsterquest about the ohio grassman and i got online and looked up its description and found that i to have experenced some of the same.this all takes place in coshocton county. about 10 years ago my dad and i were fishing in the strip pits out on 83. it was right before sun set when we heard a big splash behind the canoe we both thought it was a beaver, but then it happened again and again then at one point i looked up and i saw a big rock come hurrling off the top of the high wall and land in the middle of the pond right behind the canoe we then proceeded to row to shore and and leave quickly.
and about 7 years ago a friend and i was riding a fourwheeler in a nearby woods near my house and come across a really old barn out in the middle of the woods it was falling apart but still had a roof and we went in and was pretty amazed to find a pile of of deer bones.
just this year in early fall my younger brother and friend were playing in the woods behind the house and they said the heard somthing like a caribu bugle. i told them that it was probably the bigger trees squeeking as the wind blew but they were sure it was somthing else. another instense this year i took my wife hunting in early deer season in the same woods and right before dark we heard a scream in the woods that was indiscribable. i never thought much of my experiences but when i read the discription i started to put the pieces together ive always been a believer and now more than ever

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 03:41 PM
I went with two others down to salt fork in october of 2008 in search of the grassman. We hiked for hours off the trails looking for signs. But no luck. We didn't find any nests, hairs etc. It was fairly cold and rainy. He must have been in a cave. We will probably go again in April.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I too have heard "the scream". One morning last Spring as I was going from the house to the barn, where my truck is parked, a scream like no sound I have ever heard in the wilds here in Ohio, sent chills down my spine. It was very dark, about 4:30 am, and I couldn't see anything. The scream came from the cow pasture next to the barn and seemed to be approx. 100 to 200 yards from me, and getting closer rapidly. Now understand, I am an experienced outdoorsman, I am 6'5", 240 lbs and I ran like a scared little boy to the truck, jumped in and locked the doors. When I returned from work that day I walked the pasture expecting to find a dead calf or at least some sort of evidence....nothing. I live north of newark, off S.R. 13, nearest neighbor is about a half mile away. Anyone else out here have any simular experience?

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 11:56 PM
hello all i was raised in eastern ohio and live in that general area ive heard alot of big foot storys first for grassman hard to belive with all the dear hunting that goes on in this area that some one has not killd at least a young big foot grassman with some hunting partys as big as 35 men doing deer drives yet mabey it nowes when to find a old coal mine to hide in

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:29 AM
I live in Dayton, Ohio. I have not heard nor seeing anything regarding this but I would love to investigate and do some research on it myself. In fact, I seriously think that I will.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:08 AM
I personally lived in Ohio, Limaville to be exact. I remember a long time ago that me ,my brother and a close freind were fishing a river at night on deer creek reservoir in alliance ohio. the actual spot we were at was between the railroad tracks and state route 183. Probably 150 yards south of main st. on state route 183. it was late prob around 11:00 something came down over that hill from the railroad track side. My freind scott gates seen it first and there was few things he was afraid of. He split he wasn't even waiting on me or my brother. When I finally picked up my lantern and looked up the hill that thing was only 15 yards from me. I ran as fast as i could to get away from thing. we left all our gear there. we didn't go back till we got our guns. my dad called us all lias for several years till. one day he called me just to appoligize for calling me a liar. He finally seen the thing himself when he was
coming home from his dads place down on greenbower avenue in alliance. he said he turned off of greenbower heading north on SR 183 towards limaville and he happen to look in the feild across the railroad tracks and there the thing was just strolling through the feild the thing about my dad is he will never admitt that he could 've been wrong. But he did on this occasion. Thats my story I believe he's there just out of site for now. I have seen a lot of strange things in Ohio, That I cannot explain some I would just rather remain a mystery. Besides you ever wonder why the monster quest never gets any proof. reason being if they did get the proof what would locals wanna do? They would just wanna kill it cause they feel threatened. Most things are better of not proven.

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