posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:29 PM
Today i was watching CNN, and I have seen something that i have seen every day since the presidential race began, but somehow had never noticed. it
says CNN=Politics all over the screen.
Some of you will agree with me when i say this, and some of you wont, but if CNN=politics, and politics=lies, then CNN=lies, correct?
Now, i'm not trying to start any arguments, but i think that we can all agree in this day and age, politics in the U.S. have become a joke.
Politicians do pretty much whatever they want, and as long as the white house has their back, they can get away with it by citing "executive
privilege". I think that it's interesting that no president has invoked executive privilege as much as George W. Bush.
Why doesn't the media talk about this? Are California wildfires and whether or not Jean Benet Ramsey's parents are cleared 10 years after the fact
from DNA evidence more important than our nation's leaders pretty much wiping their butts with the constitution?
It's almost as if people are oblivious to these glaring facts as well. I try to talk to my friends about the things that are going on, but the only
thing they seem to care about is whether Obama's kids gave a good impression on TV compared to McCain's "bad jokes".
Am I dreaming, or has our society been given some sort of anti common sense drug?
*NOTE: I'm not sure if this is the right place for this topic, so if the mods feel that it's not, feel free to move it.