Those who have relived the Cuban Missile Crisis through films like Thirteen Days and books like Dino Brugioni's Eyeball to Eyeball, or who have
experienced the tension of the shootdown of a US spyplane over the USSR in Michael Beschloss's Mayday, are familiar with the vital role that the
Central Intelligence Agency-sponsored U-2 played during the Cold War. The remarkable, high-flying covert strategic reconnaissance aircraft provided
the means by which US intelligence analysts were finally able to pinpoint and quantify the Soviet strategic threat to the West. By dispelling an early
myth of Soviet nuclear superiority known as the Bomber Gap, it helped reduce pressures to escalate the arms race, and to this day it continues to span
the globe on vital intelligence-gathering missions, treaty verification overflights, and environmental sensing tasks.
You have to scroll down a bit to see the UFO case, but the background before that really puts this case into perspective. Of everyone on the planet,
the witness could definitely tell aircraft by type, regardless of secrecy level, so if he knows we didn't make it.....