reply to post by jasonjnelson
Just found and read through your whole thread. You're cat is beautiful ! It's terrible that you both had to go through that. I'm really glad to see
that he's happy at home now.
Make sure that you get copies of all the records that your vet requested from the emergency vet, and don't let her tell you that she can't give them
to you. Take that emergency vet to small claims court, you do have a case.
Btw did the emergency vet administer IV's ? The fact that they did not test the fecal matter is a dead give away that they didn't do their job
right, any time that i've had to take one of my babies to the vet when they were sick ( especially if they had diarhea) the first thing they do is a
fecal matter test. Another thing is the fact that they didn't clean him up. They had him for how many hours and left him covered in his own feces ?
That alone is considered neglect, i believe they charged you for his stay there, he should've been cleaned up. You left him in their care and were
charged for this and you had every right to expect that your cat would not be neglected.
Your vet need not testify in court, ask her if she would be willing to give you a written statement saying that if the cat had been brought to her
showing the same symptoms that she would have run the fecal matter test, that will carry a lot of wieght. Also she told you that they gave him an
overdose of some medication, so she should be willing to put that in writing also. She more than likely wrote it in her notes in Sawyers file, so you
can request copies of those files too.
I've had two dogs get cocidia, the first time she had diarhea to the point that she started pooping out blood. So yes by the vet not diagnosing
Sawyer properly he did put his life at a greater risk and also caused a longer recovery time.
In case you are not aware of it they sell a otc anti diarhea medication for dogs and cats. They sell it at petsmart, it's called pet pectillan and it
works very well. It has an ingredient to help pull out toxins and an ingredient to help stop the diarhea. The vet gave it to one of my dogs in pill
form (higher dosage i believe) when she had cocidia. I don't mean that you should give it to him now, just in case he gets sick again in the middle
of the night or something, you can give it to him until you can get him to his regular vet.
Anyway i really think you should take them to small claims court, contact any animal welfare group, humane society, animal activist groups, etc, you
may find a lot of help and support. You should also talk to the authorities and see if you can press any charges for extortion, threats, strong arm
tactics, etc.
Let us know if you find out what the stuff in his throat was. I'd be willing to bet that they left him unattended and he chewed up some type of
bandaging because he was scared.
Good luck, and i hope re recovers quickly with no side effects.