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The danger of too much truth.

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Okay. We know that the mainstream media lies. But don't you think that it's better that the mainstream media tells the public these white lies, at least, for now, rather than the cold hard truth? It is my observation that after long and deep hard thought about truth that I believe that the general public isn't ready for the truth yet. They would like to believe that all of this conspiracy stuff is just science fiction and that no conspiracies exist in real life and even if you showed them evidence that conspiracies do exist in real life they would just laugh at you and call you crazy.

If the people knew the cold hard truth they would rebel. That's why the government lies. And many are not ready for the truth yet. If we told them the truth they would panic, much like, a lot of us have, in certain periods of our lives when we did our own investigation and came to the realization that politicians lie, and that aliens probably exists but the government is telling us disinformation about what we really know about them, or, when we realized that the media is owned by corporations and that there is really no freedom of the press outside the internet. Many people out there are not ready for this truth.

Many people would like to live in the world they were conditioned to live in. They want to live in the world where the government protects their freedom, they want to live in the illusion that they aren't enslaved, despite the fact that they work every day, trying to pay off debt, they want to continue living that lie.

There would be too much danger involved in exposing the general public to too much truth too quickly. Many of them don't buy into the truth. They prefer a lie instead. If they are to ever learn the truth they would learn it too late. They might think they know the truth and that they know that what the Bush administration is doing is wrong. But that is not the true truth. The real truth goes beyond what the Bush administration is doing and has to do with what the bilderburg wants, and, the new world order, and it has to do with secret societies that have had considerable power on our government in the past.

The public isn't ready for this truth. There is an inherent danger of telling the general public too much truth. If the general public knew the truth they would rebel.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:13 PM
That is the allure of conspiracy theory. People want to believe they have the truth. When, in truth, most of the stuff you just typed was a direct regurgitation of media talking points.

That is the beauty of it. The media tells you day in and day out that Bush is responsible for your problems, that you are a slave to debt, that the government lies - then you regurgitate their points, and think you've found enlightenment all on your own.

There is a sect of conspiracy theorists that are sort of like a religion. They think only they have the truth, that only they have the light, when in reality all that they believe they picked up on and stole from other sources - usually, the media and political propaganda. They have their priests (Jones, Marrs, etc.). They have their holy scriptures (Zeitgeist, Loose Change, Urantia, etc.). They have their rituals (the routine prediction of the apocalypse, economic doom, etc.).

Nothing is new under the sun. Those who think they have the truth are usually those most likely to wander around in complete darkness.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35
tHE ONLY THING ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU SPEAK OF THE PUBLIC YOU SPEAK OF YOU AND ME. You don't have the right to decide for me whether or not I can handle it or not.

What's more, where do you draw the line, who decides what's too much and what's acceptable, you?? I happen to think that's what's wrong now, people get to these positions of power then decide America needs a leader. They call those people representatives of the people. If they're to represent me I need to be well informed.

Why don't we just go back to a monarchy then someone like you can take care of everything for me! Try it!!

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by azblack

I'm not necessarily speaking for either of us but for the large majority of unaware Americans. They believe the news they are being fed. Not a lot of what I am saying has to do with the media or anywhere else. I have come up with these realizations myself. I've came to these realizations after studying other sources. There is nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist. I like conspiracy theories myself. I just think that if the majority of Americans knew the truth that they would no longer stand for it and that's why the media tells them only what they want to hear, nothing more, nothing less. I'm not talking about anyone who has already come to realize these ideas. But look around you. See for yourself how many people haven't been awakened yet.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35
They are only unawakened from dreams put in place by people dreaming up the same ideas you have. If they are totally blind, maybe they just trust the govt. more than they should, or at least they trust them more than the people telling them the truth.

Our own history and revolution have provided the evidence needed to prove all govt.'s should never be trusted. We deserve the right to choose for ourselves, All aspects of our govt. require civilian oversight and open public policy or it ceases to be a Democracy, or Constitutional Republic!

Do you think it's fair when our legislators publicly promote a bill being passed as one thing, then hide legislation in it. Maybe they decided you didn't need to know all the facts included in the Patriot Act? Or the national tax code? Maybe they should start being able to pass laws without you reading them, maybe we shouldn't have access to any govt. documents?

Where does it stop? The media are pawns, All communications are owned by Disney now, Good luck poor people!! Media's more victim of capitalism though, and Republican leaders!

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by azblack

Okay, then, how do you recommend that we prove to all these unawakened masses that no governments should be trusted? They know history, and they know the history of the United States, yet they deny that the our government shouldn't do evil things because they see it as a necessary evil. They know that the US government isn't perfect yet the see no problem with the US government passing some bills that harm our civil rights or for that matter destroy our national sovereignty. They also see nothing wrong with religion working with government.

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