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High ranked Demons & Summoning

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:48 PM
Hi guys, I was doing a little bit of reading on demonology, types of demons, and ties to religion and culture. But what I was wondering about is; how do you summon these 'things'?
On website a found a little ranking list: (not posting the complete thing 'cause it's a pretty big list.)

I know there are some knowledgeable people about this subject here on ATS and was wondering if some of them could tell me how these summoning rituals of the listed demons (or other demons) work. A detailed description would be nice. I found it hard to find these descriptions of summoning rituals hard to be found on the internet. Maybe my searching skills might be lacking these days though.

Ofcourse I'm not gonna test to see if it works. (Even though I don't really believe in it...) One of the reasons I made this thread is that I found out about the new Diablo III game, which woke my interest in demonology (again).

Also another question; how much truth do these rituals hold within them, you think?
Thanks in advance!



posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Violation

Unless you have something they want or they feel that you will go to the other side and are undecided they will not just appear to you. They are on a different plane than we are and don't just show up when someone wants a sign.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by jhill76
reply to post by Violation

Unless you have something they want or they feel that you will go to the other side and are undecided they will not just appear to you. They are on a different plane than we are and don't just show up when someone wants a sign.

What can human possess that they might be interested in except for their soul?
But what I'm interested in are the rituals, how they go into work, the requirements etc.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Violation

Their soul yes. But, if said person has been chosen to do work here on Earth by God, then the demons would want them. But, they would try and get them at a young age or when they are down at their lowest.

Rituals. I cannot speak on. I have encountered demons without rituals. If you are important enough to them, you won't need rituals. But, some people do and I will let them speak on that.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:14 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 07:21 PM
According to the Urantia Book the great majority of the known, and unknown, "demons" are actually part of a group of beings known as "the midway creatures". So named because they are midway between the phyical and spiritual plains of existance, in the rebelion of the planet many went over toward the "dark side" plaguing mankind.

These type creature are actually "real" in most contexts, and can be seen with aided eye, thought they are mostly invisable to the naked eye.

It's said that the majority of these creaters, "negitive" (evil) (rebelious), have been rounded up and "arrested" off world by the several "Alien" interventions.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Violation

Every entity has a "signature" by which they can be summoned. Their signature comes in many forms such as a symbol (sigil) . Mere thought is also another method for conjuring them since there are no physical barriers. Summoning is all about essence. If you can capture the essence of an event, person or place, you should be able to conjure successfully among other feats.

There are rituals available from many sources. I highly recommend books by Franz Bardon and Konstantinos.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 11:09 PM
Not that I believe in the summoning of demons, but were I a demon (and I'm not,) I would be pretty honked off if someone summoned me for a chat about demonology.

I honestly don't know. I think that kind of knowledge and information might be hard to come by in commercial and popular bookstores, etc. Maybe someone here can help you.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 01:21 AM
You simply purchase or view a copy of the Books of Solomon on line, in that book, and the book of Abremelin the mage, you will find the absurd medieval ceremonial magick for the summoning of demons.

However you don't need any of that stuff. Since demons are not, never were, and never will be real in the context that human mythologies have created.

Most of the 'demons' and 'angels' described in many texts are simply archtypes given personification by human beings with very extremely limited knowledge of biology, astronomy, chemistry, geology, etc. Back in the day everything had to have a face, a personality, and live to either glorify or vex whatever god was popular in that area, or to help or hinder man. The wind has a name...not just one, but one for each direction of the compass, and each name has a personality and rules over hundreds of other beings.

You see the hand me down god/king/father rules over creation/kingdom/kin situation cycle of thinking over and over.

Back in the day I used to use Goetic demons for things, a few from the Babylonian "Simon" Necronomicon even. Until I realized I'd may as well use Marvel Comic book characters, and Dungeon and Dragons beasties since its all pretty much the same kind of imaginary wishful thinking.

Don't waste your time. Learn computer programming or something useful, because following a study of demonology will only lead to being delusional if you actually belive what you are studying is real. Its like failing at archeology because you get wrapped up in the empty god archtypes of the culture you study.

Move along nothing to see here.


posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:07 AM
i'm a christian..not the normal christian i'm a thinking christian meaning i dont judge i simply love.. my thoughts on the matter are this yes satan and demons want your soul but is it truely yours to give? who created it? the answer is simply this. If you believe in demons and satan you must also on some level believe in God and although most people tend to think that evolution is the reason why we are here . well put it this way there's a reason why they call it the missing link.they havent figured it out yet i believe in creationism. i believe that God was the one who created us. not to control us but to love. the truth is this, Satan and his demons do not want to help you they'd love to destroy you to trick you into servitude and torture you forever. this is not just the Bible speaking this is from experience. when i've been depressed and low and without hope i could always hear the demons going "do it..end it there's no reason to live. no reason to fight you're worthless..see? your friends can live without you!" when God gave me a peace saying "there's another way don't give up yet. have hope my child have hope" i'm not judging anybody for wanting to summon a demon i'm just asking if the price is worth it...

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Violation

Books on demonology are all made up. There is no evidence of demons. It would be like buying a guide on alien space ships - purely a waste of time.

It's all nonsense.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:46 AM
I wouldn't advise summoning demons, unless you really want to serve these things. It sounds like a bad idea to me. There's really no protection or ultimately anything you could gain from these things. They basically exist to cause suffering, destruction and interference in people's lives, thereby enabling people to repay sins, and also maybe to "test" people in certain circumstances. They themselves aren't good, and so they're called demons and are positioned in low-level realms.

Besides, even if you did try to summon one of these things, you might find that they're unable to reply given that they might have moved on, been restrained or been annihilated.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:58 AM
If you wish to learn more, I suggest reading THE LESSER KEY OF SOLOMON

The book claims that it was originally written by King Solomon, although this is certainly incorrect.

The Lesser Key of Solomon contains detailed descriptions of spirits and the conjurations needed to invoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer (referred to as the "exorcist").

It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals...

...The first section, called Ars Goetia, contains descriptions of the seventy-two demons that Solomon is said to have evoked and confined in a brass vessel sealed by magic symbols, and that he obliged to work for him. It gives instructions on constructing a similar brass vessel, and using the proper magic formulae to safely call up those demons.

He is claimed to have summoned and controlled 72 different spirits/demons during his time, getting them to behave and do what he desired.

Don't mess around though. Please.

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