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What are we Waiting For???

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 05:25 PM
Over the last few months I’ve noticed a trend in people. Not just here on this board but in my day to day dealings with people.

People appear to be waiting for something to happen..

Most people can’t put their finger on exactly what it is that they are waiting for, but there is this feeling that there is something about to happen. This surely is a feeling that should have abated somewhat after the millennium.

Whether good or bad I can’t say but I too have a feeling that we are on the verge of something.. Something that will somehow profoundly touch us as a world.

I wonder at how many others appear to have this rising feeling..

So my Question is.. what are we all waiting for??

Power to the People!!

NeoN HaZe

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Maybe we are at a stand still in our minds and we want something to happen.Does this make sense?Anyways i just cant wait for tomorrow to get here so i can get over with today.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 05:55 PM
I think its because of 9/11. Ever since then there has been this huge feeling that there is another big event going to happen. People arent sure whats going on anymore, They dont feel as secure as they did yet they find themselves just going about there daily business as usuall. Except now they have this unconcious, nagging feeling in the back of there mind that something big is still about happen. They're just not sure what it is. Thats what i think anyway

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:28 PM
Interesting. I think that we, as a collective, are always 'waiting' for...something.

I think it has something to do with our ever present sense of our own mortality. Worse, we are constantly reminded of our own fragility; how easily we can be snuffed out.

Maybe this sense of 'something' has always been there (I believe it has), but with our ever shrinking world, we are now more constantly reminded of our own death.

Maybe it was a bit less forboading when the world was huge and you knew only what you had direct access to. The numbers are now staggering, and 'sudden death' serves as a constant fascination. Bombings, caught in the crossfire innocents, catastrophic disasters...we watch it all with a dumbfounded fascination.

We surround ourselves with the idea of death. We are reminded of it, we witness it, we speculate on it and we worship because of it.

We are waiting for it; waiting for it to swipe us away with the faceless thousands every day.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:31 PM
You go on ahead and "do something." Far be it from anyone here, however, to suggest you go on a bombing/assassination spree. But we're not your Mom. If that's what you decide, be sure to let us know how that works out.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Matt.Trakker
I think its because of 9/11. Ever since then there has been this huge feeling that there is another big event going to happen. People arent sure whats going on anymore, They dont feel as secure as they did yet they find themselves just going about there daily business as usuall. Except now they have this unconcious, nagging feeling in the back of there mind that something big is still about happen. They're just not sure what it is. Thats what i think anyway

Actually, Having read back what i said. I dont doubt that this is probably how people felt just before WWI & No doubt the sequel

[edit on 7/8/2008 by Matt.Trakker]

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