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Some Americans are not supporting our troops, and they should be ashamed!

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posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Double Eights
Okay, for those of you whom don't support the troops, what do you suggest they do to garner your support? Quit?

If they quit, they will will be dishonerably discharged and put in prison. That right there will absolutely crush their futures. Good look trying to find a quality job with a Dishonerable Discharge on your record, and enjoy your stay in the State Pen.

If they all quit, who's gonna put them in prison? The local sheriff?

Yes, they should all quit and stop doing the bidding of the Zionist village idiot.
It is only then should the American people support them.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Whether the war be right or wrong we are there and we need to be with our men and women that are there for us.

Here is a little something and I hope it swells your heart with love and your eyes with tears.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Whether the war be right or wrong we are there and we need to be with our men and women that are there for us.

Here is a little something and I hope it swells your heart with love and your eyes with tears.

Thats only a very very small piece of what war is about.

Whether the war be right or wrong... ??? You have the solution? Ok.. its your solution, which I can respect.

Or the troops could lay down their arms and come home and stand by those whom they fight for and protest the thugs in office.

No.. no.. can't do that as it would require personal sacrifice.. who wants to remove the norm or what one considers acceptable life style?

And the troops are not there for the civilians.. their there for themselves and are directed to go where their chain of command informs them to go.

We have leaders and we have followers in life.... Just because a person decides what they wish to do with their life and uses their "obligation" as a tool to vindicate their actions does not remove the "blame" as we are each responsible for our own actions. Burying it, it being obligations, in legal justifications is nothing more then an excuse to not be accountable for the overall results....

A pebble on its own is nothing more then a rock.. not so when it can create a ripple when there is action from this pebble. How far the ripples go is dependent on its intensity.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by Willbert]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by justamomma

I don't believe in placing blame, we are responsible for our own choices, all of us. No one should be made to feel guilty for someone elses choices.

You may not have called any one stupid but that is the impression you give. People that are doing the wrong thing (in our opinion) are doing what they believe to be right or even what they know to be wrong but for their own advantage, unless they are completely evil people then I believe there will be a reason for their actions that has it's roots in fear. I by no means condone consciously wrong action, but we have all felt fear, and some of us are stronger than others, if we can empathise rather than sympathise maybe there would be less anger towards them. Don't you think this world needs less anger?

To sympathise means to support, to empathise means to put yourself in anothers place, to understand them not condone their actions.

When you spoke of your brother you did sound harsh, very harsh, but I was then too harsh in my comments to you. I really do understand your pain and anger, I just wonder, if you could feel the hatred your brother had for himself, enough to abandon the family that loved and needed him, if you could feel that self hatred, maybe you would feel a little less angry, maybe the pain would be lessened. You can't really understand until you do.

The people that don't bother to educate themselves, (and there are many of them) are too frightened to open their eyes. To admit that the government that is supposed to look after the people, that should be trustworthy, that they have believed in all their lives, to admit that it's all lies is too frightening for some. We have all been frightened at some time in our lives, fear makes people blame others, I ask that we put ourselves in their position so we can understand and not hate them for it.

Do we hate this fear in others because it is too close to the fear that we are controlling or suppressing ourselves? We may be braver than they are, able to deal with the fear that can mean wrong choices, so we are fortunate, please don't judge them so quickly.

Maybe if our attitude to the people that have made 'wrong' choices, people that are too frightened to see the truth, if our attitude was more empathic then perhaps we would have a better chance at enlightening them and thereby making the world a better place.

Empathy not sympathy

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:59 AM
Sometimes the truth is hidden or obfuscated - so people do not see it as it really is.

Sometimes the truth is clearly understood, but out of necessity or priority of other truths it is ignored. Like the war is a farce but I need to feed myself and family and I do not have any other skills or I am not confident that I can survive any other way.

Sometimes the truth does not matter (for a specific individual in a specific circumstance) - like I signed up to defend our country I did not expect to fight under false pretenses but if I leave now I may be killed.

I wish I could say I support the troops - but unfortunately I have not done anything to support them (like e-mails, gifts, phone calls) the only way that I can support them is to acknowledge that their situation is not as cut and dry as we all assume it is. I am guilty of assuming an easy decision for them as well - but not so I think. It is like expecting a person who has never been taught Math to invent Calculus. Without the fundamentals or the ability to see or freedom to actually decide, we can only support their freedom to choose what they do by acknowledging that they may beleive they have no choice.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:00 AM

Not only are the Middle East and Central Asia contaminated forever with radioactive depleted uranium, which has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, but it has contaminated and mixed throughout the global atmosphere, causing a global epidemic of diabetes and other radiation related illnesses.

Depleted uranium is a radioactive nano-particle doomsday machine, which is not only causing diabetes all over the world, but it is invisibly increasing death rates, and decreasing birth rates globally — that is called depopulation. The Queen of Britain and the Rockefellers (US) own most of the uranium, and the city of London bankers control world uranium supplies and prices. Nice partnership, isn't it? Through her mother (maiden name Roche), Princess Diana was actually a Rothschild (city of London bankers). Many people believe that Prince Charles married Diana for her Stuart bloodline, which made her more royal than Charles. But when Prince William becomes king, England will have a Rothschild on the throne… that is the bloodline wanted from Princess Diana.

Well, if you think about the thousands of tons of depleted uranium the US/UK have admitted using since 1991, that would be the same as releasing the radiation from at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs into the atmosphere since 1991...

What parts of the world have been poisoned by the DU? Are there more regions at risk of contamination?

A. All of the world has been poisoned by the DU — most of it since 1991. The health statistics from around the world clearly show the global impact. But even the oceans are being killed by the radiation, the baby fish die just like our babies. Or they are born weak and may not survive to become adult fish. This also happened during atmospheric testing. Between 1957 and 1963 the fishing catch in the North Atlantic declined by 50%, but recovered within a few years as soon as atmospheric testing ended, because of the partial test ban treaty which Russia, the UK and US signed. However, the pacific fishing catch declined 65% by 1970 and never recovered because some nuclear states continued testing. It is happening all over again since 1991 with the introduction of DU weaponry by the US and the UK. In Japan, I learned that the fishing catch has declined 10% just in the past few years.

I've read many articles about the depleted uranium bombs used in Afghanistan and Iraq, that where like 86,000 nagasaki's. This one looked really good, as it describes the depopulation by dirty bomb technology occurring all around the world. Plus we had the fallout, mother earth's karma, last summer as it dumped on us from the ionosphere.

I don't support troops who know, by now, that they are supporting a fascist regime. They should all leave. And with the radiation fallout of 86,000 Nagasaki bombs, their families should drag them kicking and screaming out.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 11/0708/08 by neformore]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:19 AM
From the same link:

However the hypocrisy of the US government must also be addressed. Depleted uranium munitions meet the definition of WMDs under US Federal Code in 2 out of 3 categories, and they violate US military law because the US is a signatory to the Geneva and Hague conventions. If the US government is so worried about Iran being a nuclear threat, then why did Henry Kissinger give Iran nuclear power plants, and President Gerald Ford give Iran plutonium?

And on September 17, 2005, in the UN General Assembly President Ahmadinejad of Iran eloquently brought the depleted uranium issue to the table:

"Ironically, those who have actually used nuclear weapons, continue to produce, stockpile and extensively test such weapons, have used depleted uranium bombs and bullets against tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kuwaitis, and even their own soldiers and those of their allies, afflicting them with incurable diseases, blatantly violate their obligations under the NPT, have refrained from signing the CTBT and have armed the Zionist occupation regime with WMDs, are not only refusing to remedy their past deeds, but in clear breech of the NPT, are trying to prevent other countries from acquiring the technology to produce peaceful nuclear energy. All these problems emanate from the fact that justice and spirituality are missing in the way powerful governments conduct their affairs with other nations. "...

The consequences of depleted uranium global pollution is damage to the genome of the entire planet which is being degraded and destroyed slowly over time — for all living things. This is a demonic plan by the city of London and Wall Street banking establishments, and the new world order, the 'globalists' who want to depopulate the world by 2-4 billion people. They don't call London the world capital of terrorism for no reason.

Depopulation, through a continuous global covert nuclear war, has been waged against citizens, paid for by citizens through taxation, privatized, and secretly implemented by the global ruling elite. From 62 years of depleted uranium wars alone, global public health has been devastated by large increases in death rates and chronic disease, and decreasing birth rates, both evident in the vital statistics of many countries since 1945. This is a global trend....

This is what Henry Kissinger said about it in 1974 in the National Security Council:

Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that 'depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the third world.' He cited reasons of national security, and because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries… wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of the US.

How could anyone support the armed gorrilla of such a crime syndicate who's occult Babylonia roots have made them think they are a completely different race and vastly superior to all of us serfs who must be depopulated enmass and returned to the feudal system? These men are criminally insane beyond any scope of words, and our soldiers are aware of this. The only heros there are the ones who have stopped supporting the war and speak out against it.

Edit to add: The very best way to support the troops is to get them out of there now!!!!

[edit on 11-7-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 11-7-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 11/0708/08 by neformore]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:56 AM

" Our soldiers are just being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan and given a death sentence as soon as they arrive. Our national guard, to protect our states from being overtaken by our own military, is being destroyed to make this global takeover easier. Black youth in the ghettoes are refusing to join the military. They are saying “it's more dangerous in Iraq now than in the ghetto… We are staying home.”

Major Doug Rokke told me that gang members and juvenile delinquents coming back from their army service in Iraq are taking military trucks from bases here like at Fort Lewis, and going out into towns around the military bases and robbing banks. Then they go back into the ghettos and kill the police… That's what they learned in Iraq.

As Henry Kissinger famously said after Vietnam:

"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy".

I think in reality the US government has killed far more Americans, their own citizens, than they have killed in other countries. The CIA has cannibalized the US just like it has eaten through the economies and killed the people of many other countries. The CIA is bringing the drugs from Afghanistan and South America into our communities. It's a great way to fund elections and to make huge profits.

Over $850 billion a year in drug money in the US is the CIA cash-flow through the US economy. The US economy would collapse without it....

Here is a lawyer friend of mine, from the international law firm of Morrison and Foerster, who has filed a class action lawsuit against the Veterans Administration for Health Care for our very sick veterans… the medical disability rate is over 55% since 1991, when they started using depleted uranium weapons.

Our children are being turned into uranium meat as soon as they are sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. What about the poor people who live in those regions and have for thousands of years…....

We are facing a global mass extinction of 2-4 billion people, and a war against the genetic future of all species.

If the Bush Administration and the US Navy are really stupid enough to bomb Iran with their [nuclear] friend Israel, well then they deserve what they get if they knock over that beehive. Iran is not Iraq… Iraq was a 'cakewalk' compared to what a mess they will have with Iran.

I want the people of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and the people of the world to know that I love and respect them. Americans are not bad people, I am not a bad person because I am American, it is our government that has hijacked and stolen our country and our soul from us.

But this nightmare they are creating is not over yet, and like Iraq, it will not turn out the way they think it is going to… Bush is not the only sociopath in power who likes to blow things up. Other countries may retaliate…"

This is an incredible nightmare since the early 90s depleted uranium has been used strigently to depopulate the earth in unbelievablylarge amounts. The queen of england and the Rockefeller's own most of the uranium in the world.


..."The babies may look normal on the outside, but the DNA is damaged both in the nucleus and in the mitochondria of the cell, as well as other damage we still don't understand. Over future generations, the genetic damage will be expressed in unpredictable ways, and gradually the genome will degrade and decline in vigor. source: US government data: Center for Disease Control (CDC)"

The consequences are beyond our wildest imagination. We must stop this nightmare now.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by mystiq]

Mod Edit. Ex tags added to this and the two preceding posts to properly clarify that the opinions noted are NOT those of the poster, but are from the site given in the first post

Mystiq - please see your U2U's

[edit on 11/0708/08 by neformore]

[edit on 11/0708/08 by neformore]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by A curious cat
I don't believe in placing blame, we are responsible for our own choices, all of us. No one should be made to feel guilty for someone elses choices.


Originally posted by A curious catYou may not have called any one stupid but that is the impression you give. People that are doing the wrong thing (in our opinion) are doing what they believe to be right or even what they know to be wrong but for their own advantage, unless they are completely evil people then I believe there will be a reason for their actions that has it's roots in fear.

i have thought this issue over extensively after re-reading all the posts and then doing a bit of self reflection.

i never wanted to come across as though i looked down on them as human beings for their choices. i respect their right to choose and their right to experience the effects (negative or positive) in regard to their choices.

i have done many wrong doings in ignorance and acted out on emotions (hell, i am an irish blooded, texas born, gemini all crammed into a woman's body lol). however, the incidents always had negative consequences which i accepted and learned from. i need mercy and understanding just as much as some of these men and women in service do. no more, no less.

that is a matter that is better dealt by them and their conscience, the Creator, and their direct victims (whether it be a mother devestated bc her child was killed; an old man who lost his wife and both legs; whoever they have directly affected by making their choice).

i wanted to say for the record, even though they are still responsible for their choice and the implications their choices bring, i think a truly penitent soldier of this war who comes forward and takes responsibility for his actions w/out placing the blame on anyone else should be shown mercy..... bc as it has been pointed out on here, who hasn't committed wrong acts in the state of ignorance? as long as they are willing to accept responsibility for their choice, i would hope they would not be preached at, shunned, or judged by us, but rather embraced and suited up to be on the side of the citizens lol.

i like the following words as posted in this thread:

Originally posted by GAOTU789
Most of them enlisted for the right reason's.

i do understand this and am first to say that i would not want to serve on any judging committing to determine who signed up for the right reasons as opposed to who signed up for the wrong.

still, as it is said, "the road to hell is paved w/ good intentions." it is our responsibility to not be deceived, even by ourselves.

Originally posted by A curious catDon't you think this world needs less anger?

ideally, yes. under the present circumstances, i think the world could do w/ more ppl getting angry and directing that anger to the injustices that are going on before our eyes. we share this planet and therefore, we all share to some degree, a responsibility to speak out against those who would manipulate, especially in order to control.

i am all for personal experiences and dealing w/ the natural consequences for our choices, but there are some who try to convince us that we are not capable of being responsible for ourselves so that we will willingly hand over the responsibility of our lives (ie.. control of our lives) to their greedy hands.

don't know about anyone else, but i don't need to be protected from myself or from my neighbor, but rather from those who would impose tyranny into my life.

Originally posted by A curious catTo sympathise means to support, to empathise means to put yourself in anothers place, to understand them not condone their actions.

well, when i said that i sympathized and not necessarily empathized w/ the soldiers, i was referring to what they were going through having been abandoned by their loved ones.

specifically i said:

Originally posted by justamomma
i don't need to empathize w/ these men being abandoned by the ones they love bc i can sympathize.

i sympathize w/ them in this case bc they are fellow humans, not because they are soldiers. i would show them no more / no less sympathy than i would anyone else going through such a thing.

now, i tend to be very objective about these things, not only w/ others, but w/ myself and therefore don't doubt that i can come off, on here at least, sounding like a callous person. i am not.

again, i have been through this very same thing and have walked through a very personal and real hell over the last almost 3 yrs (being that we seperated at the end of july '05).

however, i don't blame 0R excuse myself or my ex. things happened, we made choices, we acted on emotions and thus the result..... it was too much for him to be able to work through and he walked.

his choice and his right. the only thing that hurt as much as him choosing to walk away was what my brother did. when the ex walked, i wanted to scream and i wanted spit fire for a good year and a half. but i kept those feelings in check and rather than place the blame and try to work up a support of "feel sorry for me friends", i took control of my life and worked w/ what i had. it wasn't a matter of needing ppl's support, it was simply a matter of me realizing that whether on my own or not, i have to take personal responsibility and keep moving and learning.

Originally posted by A curious catWhen you spoke of your brother you did sound harsh, very harsh, but I was then too harsh in my comments to you. I really do understand your pain and anger, I just wonder, if you could feel the hatred your brother had for himself, enough to abandon the family that loved and needed him, if you could feel that self hatred, maybe you would feel a little less angry, maybe the pain would be lessened. You can't really understand until you do.

i was being honest w/ the other members and posters on this thread when sharing that.

the day that my mom told me is a day that is forever etched in my memory. i didn't eat or sleep for quite some time and went through a myriad of emotions, ranging from depressed to hopeless, guilty to angry, unable to understand how yet being able to understand why, numb to uncontrollable. it has taken considerable effort to come to terms w/ the effects it has had on my life and the lives of those i love. if he were to be able to come back and make ammends for what he did to everyone, w/out question, in my mind, he would be forgiven.

however, he can not.... and that is bc of the choice he made to give up on himself AND his family. for what he did to himself and to those he left behind, i am angry, but just because i am angry doesn't mean that i don't understand how overwhelming life w/ all its pressures and guilts can be...... i know bc i face it everyday.

i am angry BECAUSE i loved and valued him so much regardless of the choices he made. however, ultimately he chose to bypass his chance to make ammends for his choices in this life. my anger is rather passive though. i mean, seriously, i can't do much to help him now. he had so much good in him, he really did and i miss him terribly.

i have tried to make good of the aweful situation he left us in and that is in remembering the value each of us possess as humans to not only ourselves, but more importantly to those around us. when we feel like giving up, there are those who deserve for us to hold on and perservere through the hard times.

and for the record, i didn't take your reply to be harsh. i just figured you were passionate about the perspective you viewed it all from. i am not scared to look at things from someone else's vantage point.

(will finish answering your reply in another post

[edit on 11-7-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by theendisnear69
Yeah sorry if I can't support someone whos main job is to KILL. Why are they considered heroes for going over to another country and killing people. And they do this to help the elites stay rich and powerful.

Nothing will end the war unless the people themselves refuse to fight.

I hear alot of soldiers say well "it takes courage to go and fight a war that you don't believe in". What is that? Come on that is just sad. It takes a hell of alot more courage to not go and fight at all!

Great point. I second your view.

Besides, no nation should invade a weaker one to steal its resources.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by A curious cat
I don't believe in placing blame,

I do.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Explain to me why people think we should support people who willingly joined a organization that goes into dangerous places and kills people for a living?

It is not as is they were drafted and forced to do this. They joined the MILITARY which is a JOB WHERE YOU KILL PEOPLE AND DIE FOR A LIVING. Do you think they joined expecting to parade themselves around with their guns wearing their funny looking hats in America and never go to war?

I don't have to support anyone who signed up to kill people and die for a living that is the life they chose. Wake up, the military is a squad of killers. Are you so numb to what the military really is that you feel sorry once they actually have to do their jobs?

I didn't decide to go to war, and I didn't take a job where I kill people for money. Explain why I should support people who do?

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
Think about it, your thousands of miles from home in a strange country in a war setting, with extreme weather conditions, just this stress alone would make it hard to cope, waiting for that next contact from your loved ones would be the hilight of your day or week, but then add a e-mail or a phone call or a letter from the one you love dumping you, or contact from friends or relatives telling you the one you love is cheating on you. This stress is too much for many to bare.

Sometimes the same person that went off to war is not the same person that returns.I did believe in supporting them up to a point.By now they should be aware that they are nothing more than tools.By now they should be aware that their leader is a liar.By now they should have realized that checks and balances need to be restored and Bush belongs in jail.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit

"It's the Soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It's the Soldier, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It's the Soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to demonstrate.



Self Knowledge is the only thing that can FREE you from your own ignorance...

This side of moksha, one finds essentially satchidananda; existence-consciousness-bliss.

I am you, you are me.

Free your mind, the rest will follow.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Do the troops support us? If the economy collapses, if the elections are canceled, if there are protests against the Fed, if they implement rex84... etc, etc, etc.

Will the troops support us? Or will they continue their Master's bidding... even though they know it is wrong?

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by yankeerose
Do the troops support us? If the economy collapses, if the elections are canceled, if there are protests against the Fed, if they implement rex84... etc, etc, etc.

Will the troops support us? Or will they continue their Master's bidding... even though they know it is wrong?

gawd, this is what i can't believe ppl aren't seeing!!

also, i wanted to point out that if left up to the "higher ups", the troops will NOT be coming home!!

the ONLY way they (as a whole) will get out of these places that they DON'T belong in is by admitting that, yes, they were duped into believing they were fighting for their fellow citizens but now it is clear they are fighting for the wrong ppl and then take responsibility for where they are at and LEAVE. yes, some (maybe many) will not make it home BUT THEIR CHANCES OF NOT MAKING IT HOME are ALREADY just as dire by continuing to submit.

i cry for these men and women. i cry for their families. if i had the means to go over there and stand right next to them should they decide to do what's right, i would in an instant. all it would take is a minority of TRULY courageous soldiers to resist the real evil and those that are scared would most likely follow, bc i honestly believe that most of them do have a nagging conscience still.....

but the more they submit to fear and ignore their conscience, the more numb their conscience will get..... and that is not a good thing for them OR for us in the long run.

[edit on 13-7-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Whether the war be right or wrong we are there and we need to be with our men and women that are there for us.

Here is a little something and I hope it swells your heart with love and your eyes with tears.

Here is a little something and I hope it fills your heart with rage and springs your fists into action.


I hope these soldiers die!

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by GAOTU789

" Also, think about about the age of alot of the people in uniform. 18-21. Ya they knew when they join that they are probably going to end up in Afghanistan or Iraq but I don't think they can fully comprehend what they are getting themselves into. Funny, you only have to be 18 to join the Military but you need to be 21 to drink. "

I found out some very interesting things about numbers, and what people comprehend...

In Bible Gematria, 18 is the number of bondage, and 21 is the number of sin.

" In addition to the word BONDAGE being used EIGHTEEN times concerning Israels experience in Egypt,the word BONDMEN is used FOUR TIMES, FOUR is the number for the UNSAVED man. This shows that man in flesh is in BONDAGE to sin. [ Galatians 4:3 and John 8:34-36 ] "

In II Timothy 3:2-5 Paul lists TWENTY-ONE things which men would do in the last days, and he warns against such.

" In the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be [1] lovers of their own selves, [2] covetous, [3] boasters, [4] proud, [5] blasphemers, [6] disobedient to parents, [7] unthankful, [8] unholy, [9] without natural affection, 10] truce breakers, [11] false accusers, [12] incontinent, [13] fierce, [14] despisers of those who are good, [15] traitors, [16] heady, [17] high-minded, [18] lovers of pleasure, [19] more than lovers of God, [20] having a form of godliness, [21] but denying the power there-of: from such turn away."



posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by homo_borg

well ,that showed me TWO things

1. proof of how a war can twist the minds of the participants

2. they obviously are completely unaware of what they did, other wise, they'd of never posted that shameful act of cruelty,

disguised as a joke...

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:52 PM
I'm gonna try to make this clear as mud:
Been here done that. I supported the troops in Viet Nam. I wore a POW bracelet. But this is Viet Nam on crack and no draft. The soldiers in the services now enlisted to get whatever they thought they could get for themsleves. Maybe a few, like the assasinated footballl player, enlisted out of some delussional buy-in about 9/11, but the majority are too poor for colloge, have the odds stacked against them, and believed the recruiters when they were promised a way out of whatever # hole they lived in when they enlisted. Mental paradigm of avg enlisted personnell? Self.

They get sent into an illegal war. They soon "get it" and say ;OK it's all good, I can do this cuz it's only a short time then I'm home and get my degree and I'll make it."

Then they reaize they are murdering, raping, pillaging, and bombing innocent civilians. "oh I can't handle my own sold out humanity! " Breakdown.

I tore off my POW bracelet when the news about MEI LAI came out. I will never wear one again.

Troops: Understand this: You are a human being. If orderes demand you violate your own soul, disobey. Do that, i support you. Don't, I don't. Period.

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