posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:15 PM
Thank you Obama and the other 68 Senators for voting to give the telecom immunity. You have proven that you really are for the small people. You have
nullified their right to sue these companies for infringing on their privacy. These companies had no right to give personal information to the
government without a warrant. This is not the American way and these company knew it from the word go. They deserved to pay the price for their error.
You talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. This is another reason many Americans feel that their Government is slowly eroding Americans right to
privacy. You have also given the Government the green light to do the same in the future.
You failed to stand up for what you believed in and that is not good. You can sit here all day and tell me that everything else outweighed this one
issue, but I disagree. You should have went down fighting like the other 28 Senators. At least, you would have kept your word. To those 28 Senators, I
salute you. I don't call this a flip, it is just one big mistake.