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An inevitable outcome

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Here's the thing

You all like living in a rich affluent society (I know I do). If steps like this were not taken you wouldnt be living in a rich afluent society.
The old saying "you cant handle the truth" its absolutley true. We all reap the benefits from the dirty backhanded things our goverment does, and yet nobody wants to dirty their hands with the moral dilema in doing so.

Fact is there is a certain amount of oil in certain geographical areas around the world, dont kid your self, we have a lot of it and dont really need theirs. We do however need to control the flow of that oil. Other nations depend on a steady flow of that oil in order to make economies run

$146 a barrel is nothing. If we control that oil you dont have an economy unless we say you do... whats that worth to a nation?

I remember when I was 14 or so, a very wise woman told my class to expect us to be in the middle east by the turn of the 21st century (Russia was still in Afghanistan then). She said we would know what to expect when we go in to Afghanistan, the most strategic point in the world ocupied by every superpower in recorded history: Russia, Britan, France, America, all the way back to Alexander the Great (check it out if you dont beleive me). If you want to do anything in the Middle East, thats the first country you have to control. Its everything!

So here it is people; if we weren't there it would be Russia or China, thats a "Truth". Human nature is a horrible thing but it is predictable, just as predictable as the steps we must take when it comes to our shared future as the Western World. Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton, George W. Bush they all know what's going on... what has to be. Thank God we have a long term plan and an ability to carry it out regardless of what the masses say. It's our own nature of being dishonest with our selves that makes it impossible to tell the people what is going on.

3000 people died on 9-11. How many do you suppose would have died trying to take Afghanistan from a well embeded Russian or Chinese army? The whole country is a fort - with 1 door in and 1 door out. 3000 would have been a drop in the bucket.

Please dont misunderstand me. It's a horrible thing what we did on 9-11 but when you look at the big picture, its the lesser evil

Look around, everyone is tooling up. Every nation knows whats comming.
The price of commodities (ie. food) is going through the roof gold, silver ect. Britan is building aircraft carriers.. they didnt even have those at the height of the Cold War. How many military aid packages has Israel recieved in the last year? China is building up its ability to project power in a massive way and are working very closely with the Russians, refining joint military co-ordination.

Look at all the Microbiologist's that have been erradicated since 9-11. I mention this because we would not be able to combat China's massive population without some way of erradicating their massive superiority in numbers. Nukes wouldn't do because that would demand an equal response. We need something that cannot be directly blamed on us (like a mysterious plauge of unknown origin).

The writing is on the wall, can you read it?

Dead Microbioligists

Russia China joint military operations

Britain $8b aircraft carrier order

Rising Cost of Commodities

Israel to Get $30 Billion in Military Aid From U.S.

Love, forgive and respect oneanother
Lack of knowledge is tue innocence.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:32 PM
It all boils down to greed.Oil corporations and big business is greedy for profits and the consumer is free to indulge his greed by indulging in anything he wants a 70"plasma,a Callaway corvette.

All these things currently require oil and that is why the west is fighting all these wars for continuation of supply and greed they now wan't to control the supply not just buy of the producers.

They are mearly in their belief keeping the system alive.

You are correct there is a national karma and with US policies and wars killing or displacing over 50,000,000 since world war two when it manifests it will be a bitch.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:45 PM
Government corruption, mass murder and destabilizing any other country that has resources is what keeps America prosperous?!?!?

Are you serious?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by TDS22
Government corruption, mass murder and destabilizing any other country that has resources is what keeps America prosperous?!?!?

Are you serious?

Yes I am.
Here is what comes next. Israel hits Iran, Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz which is a direct invitation for us to go in to Iran. Which necessitates Russia and China to get involved.

Make sure you tell me how wrong I am in a fortnight.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 03:49 PM
Well these predictions if you do a search have been being made for 4 years.
Hasn't happened yet.Israel announced they have no plans to attack Iran and that there military exercises were the same ones they have done for along time.
But of course they could be lying.However if you look at the nuclear situation in Iran it would take a bit more than just Israeli bombers to get rid of it.
This pic doesn't even fit.There is about 25 facility's all spread out some inside mountains.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Being_From_Earth]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 04:17 PM
I think that there is a certain amount of truth in this, but only the first half of the truth that is unfolding.


We're in half-time right now.

The second half is when we all become aware of the implications that are indeed unavoidable if we don't look up.

Honesty is important, and you have nailed the head on the hit. The same exact logical presentation will be turned upside down and understood in a sense inverse to the sense in which it was given. I think the best way to ensure this is to keep developing strenuous arguments in your original theme and context.

You will help this thing along famously by doing so.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by applebiter]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 04:50 PM
Well the thing is I would hesitate to call them predictions. I would say its more of a logical chain of events. Our trying to force Iran in to doing something that allows us to use force.
Who knows how they will react to our bullying. That is what we are doing you know.
Iran has every right to pursue nuclear power. Just as well as India Pakistan and North Korea.
Its all in the spin you feed the sheeple.
Everyone has heard the quote "Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth" that was originally printed by the guardien news paper in England.
Who has heard of the retraction and apology printed 2 days later?

Originally posted by Being_From_Earth
Well these predictions if you do a search have been being made for 4 years.
Hasn't happened yet.Israel announced they have no plans to attack Iran and that there military exercises were the same ones they have done for along time.
But of course they could be lying.However if you look at the nuclear situation in Iran it would take a bit more than just Israeli bombers to get rid of it.
This pic doesn't even fit.There is about 25 facility's all spread out some inside mountains.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Being_From_Earth]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by foremanator

While I think there is an element of truth in this, are you saying that the majority if Americans would accept destroying other countries to keep their HD-TVs and SUVs, or do you think if they were asked the question "If you had to choose between keeping your SUV, or allowing Iran to exist, which one would you pick?" most would pick the SUV and their lifestyle?

Personally, I truly believe that the majority would give up a few of lifes little luxuries rather than go to war. The people driving us to war to are the uber-rich, not because they are doing it for America, but because they are doing it for themselves, it is they who fear not having their private jets and 10 bedroom mansions and fast cars, not the average American. The minority are taking us into a war we don't want, and that's not right. A democracy is supposed to be the rule of the majority, and that's not happening.

And say that the majority would and do accept that this war is needed to keep their lifestyle going. It will only keep it going for a certain period of time, and then something new would be needed. Our government is thinking of a short-term solution to a long-term problem, that problem being that we are consuming more of earth's resources than it can provide. Demand is outstripping supply. We need to radically re-assess the lifestyle's we live, not continue to feed our addictions.

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