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Violent encounter with an alien being

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:20 AM
First off, Dan supposedly does not visit ATS anymore.

Here was a thread that I made in really above top secret,
Because I think this story has more we should talk about.

When I first started reading ATS, I was drawn to the Survival Forum: In this forum, there is a wealth of knowledge, And I read nearly every topic. I read abou Bug Out Bags, how to clean water with Pool Shock, knife and gun choice, to bunker neccessities. With myself being military trained, college educated, and an avid book and movie fan; I think that my BullCrap meter is pretty accurate. I soon made a good repoire with one poster, DanTanna. I predict many people will come in here, and bad mouth him, and some of the "crazy" things he hs said. But, I viewed him as a level headed, intelligent guy. Hands down, DT (DanTanna) knew his stuff. He seemed to have military training, with a lot of it being spec ops / special forces stuff. I don't believe he lived in the US, I think it was England. At one point, DT had what he describes as an extra terrestial encounter. If I remember correctly, it was a blue fish / dolphin person. This I the point where the ATS community split and treated DT generally one of two ways: Either they called him a loony / quack Or, they talked to him like he had all the answers (Even he said he didn't, and I why he left). I have several points to talk about concerning DT, But since I am posting via mobile, I must break up my posts, or risk losing my progress. Please, I put this in RATS, because this is the perfect place for it. This is a VERY controversial subject for ATS, because many people are biased from before.

So, this thread I part of the reason Dan left

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Hey, all you guys who are posting questions to Dan on this thread ... I hate to break it to you ... but he was banned from the system years ago. So, I don't think he'll be replying - unless he has snuck back on with another alias.

But, what I do love about this thread, is the earlier discussion about "What would YOU do, in that situation?"

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

Sorry, for some reason, I didn't see your post until after I posted my reminder about Dan being long gone from here.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:38 AM
Wow. Crazy thread. Can't believe I missed it back in 08. Well, its certainly possible it happened. When I have paranormal events happen to me, sometimes i find myself standing on the balcony frightened out of my bedroom and I have no idea how I got there, and decide to just "go back to bed" instead of snapping myself out of it to investigate it further. They certainly have the technology, and they do have the 4th dimensional technology to jump dimensions. What wigs me out is how clean the room was when he awoke. What kind of technology would that require? Time travel or Alien Merry Maids? Because there is no way a bloody mess of any kind could of permenantly been removed without some type of physical reality altering. Hmm alot to think about.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:04 AM
Sure is wonderful knowing we have such cunning diplomats making contact with alien travellers.

I find it unfortunate that you allowed yourself to be so consumed by rage before any indication of foul play was evident.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Wow. Crazy thread. Can't believe I missed it back in 08. Well, its certainly possible it happened. When I have paranormal events happen to me, sometimes i find myself standing on the balcony frightened out of my bedroom and I have no idea how I got there, and decide to just "go back to bed" instead of snapping myself out of it to investigate it further. They certainly have the technology, and they do have the 4th dimensional technology to jump dimensions. What wigs me out is how clean the room was when he awoke. What kind of technology would that require? Time travel or Alien Merry Maids? Because there is no way a bloody mess of any kind could of permenantly been removed without some type of physical reality altering. Hmm alot to think about.

Oh God, here we go again...

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:17 AM
I think you are telling the truth. Science proves we live in a multidimensional universe, and quite possibly your interest or subconscious attraction to the paranormal manifested this event. Ive seen all sorts of bizzare things from other dimensions that are hidden to the 'profane' and ignorant

Im sure if you examine the whats/whys and hows around this you will uncover the deeper meaning or lesson around this event. Its not necessarily a bad thing and it sounds like you handled yourself pretty well. Could even be a preparation of yourself for possible future events? You are the expert on this

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Atione
You are the expert on this

Well he would be if he wasn't banned

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 11:48 AM

I kind of wonder if you could really say it was an "attack" on the beings part? From what you described, it watched serenely and at one point reached it's hand forward..... that doesn't sound like a vicious attack?
I kind of wonder what makes you so sure it had evil intentions?

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:06 PM
I´m wondering if these encounter, and I wont doubt it was a real one, was in fact one with a demonic entity..with that mind controlling possibilities that our NWO ´friends´ have..


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

1. This psychologist has no trouble believing you.

2. You may have 'invited' it all with your explorations in the woods about the craft.

3. There are other possibilities that GUY MALONE explains in great detail in his materials:



4. Basically virtually any kind of occultic activity or involvement can give a 'legal' access to such experiences, critters, forces.

5. Authoritative [out of a genuine relationship with Him] use of Jesus' Blood and Name in a spiritual warfare manner have been profoundly effective in stopping such visits even generationally--that have been going on in family lines for generations. Guy has the details. He had assaults as a teen and finally learned how to deal with them and has been teaching others the same.

6. imho, Dabbling in black fire gets black deadly burns in more ways than one.

7. I pray you overcome this and never have another similar incident.

8. Personally--good on ya for protecting your family so energetically.

9. It is more than plausible that you were technologically or 'spiritually' put back to sleep while the room was sanitized.

10. Unless you close the 'legal spiritual access door' with proper Biblical spiritual warfare activities, I don't know that there is any guarantee there won't be a repeat visit. This time, they'd make sure they technologically or otherwise paralyzed you before allowing you any awareness.

11. Fierce visceral anger as you demonstrated has been known to break the paralysis but not 100% reliably. It seems to have to occur--the anger, evidently, has to be felt and fiercely acted out within microseconds of the attempts to paralyze the human for the anger to be able to break 'the spell,' as it were.

12. imho, There's the God of The Bible . . . and His Kingdom . . . and his infinitely weaker but still powerful opposition. They are far from equal opposites. Nevertheless, this era has some big time choices . . . As Scripture says . . . CHOOSE THIS DAY, WHOM YOU WILL SERVE. There are only the 2 choices.

13. Some say--I just choose myself. Interestingly, that is NOT an option. Selfish, self-serving choices are choices for the enemy of light, life, health, wholeness, true joy and eternal life.

14. Prayers for you and your family. Thanks for sharing. It is certainly a moving narrative and I have no trouble taking it at face value. Congrats on your wife for sharing her side of the story and the pics.

You may U2U me, if you wish.

edit on 16/6/2011 by BO XIAN because: CHANGE to more accurate .ORG vs which it's not.


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Protecting his family so energetically ?

Makes you wonder this site at times...

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:18 PM
Since the OP of this thread is no longer able to respond to the numerous questions being posed to him...This thread is now closed pending staff review.

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