reply to post by Dan Tanna
1. This psychologist has no trouble believing you.
2. You may have 'invited' it all with your explorations in the woods about the craft.
3. There are other possibilities that GUY MALONE explains in great detail in his materials:
4. Basically virtually any kind of occultic activity or involvement can give a 'legal' access to such experiences, critters, forces.
5. Authoritative [out of a genuine relationship with Him] use of Jesus' Blood and Name in a spiritual warfare manner have been profoundly effective in
stopping such visits even generationally--that have been going on in family lines for generations. Guy has the details. He had assaults as a teen and
finally learned how to deal with them and has been teaching others the same.
6. imho, Dabbling in black fire gets black deadly burns in more ways than one.
7. I pray you overcome this and never have another similar incident.
8. Personally--good on ya for protecting your family so energetically.
9. It is more than plausible that you were technologically or 'spiritually' put back to sleep while the room was sanitized.
10. Unless you close the 'legal spiritual access door' with proper Biblical spiritual warfare activities, I don't know that there is any guarantee
there won't be a repeat visit. This time, they'd make sure they technologically or otherwise paralyzed you before allowing you any awareness.
11. Fierce visceral anger as you demonstrated has been known to break the paralysis but not 100% reliably. It seems to have to occur--the anger,
evidently, has to be felt and fiercely acted out within microseconds of the attempts to paralyze the human for the anger to be able to break 'the
spell,' as it were.
12. imho, There's the God of The Bible . . . and His Kingdom . . . and his infinitely weaker but still powerful opposition. They are far from equal
opposites. Nevertheless, this era has some big time choices . . . As Scripture says . . . CHOOSE THIS DAY, WHOM YOU WILL SERVE. There are only the 2
13. Some say--I just choose myself. Interestingly, that is NOT an option. Selfish, self-serving choices are choices for the enemy of light, life,
health, wholeness, true joy and eternal life.
14. Prayers for you and your family. Thanks for sharing. It is certainly a moving narrative and I have no trouble taking it at face value. Congrats on
your wife for sharing her side of the story and the pics.
You may U2U me, if you wish.
edit on 16/6/2011 by BO XIAN because: CHANGE to more accurate .ORG vs which it's not.
edit on 16/6/2011 by