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Negative News being used to control us?

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posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 07:55 AM
Im always saying this to my mam, she seems to feel the need to read every page of every newpaper she gets, it simply cant be good for your health.

Its very rare that Id watch the news or read the paper, I always try to keep a positive mindset, and a smile on my face^^

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 08:48 AM
My question is focused on the physical side of the original post. Why do negative people have weaker immune systems. It doesn't make sense to me, is it more beneficial to the species for negative people to have weaker immune systems? What are the pros to this cause and effect. Doesn't add up in my opinion is all.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Zealott
My question is focused on the physical side of the original post. Why do negative people have weaker immune systems. It doesn't make sense to me, is it more beneficial to the species for negative people to have weaker immune systems? What are the pros to this cause and effect. Doesn't add up in my opinion is all.

Positive, loving, sharing people add to nature and stimulate life. They are closer to the natural frequencies and more easily establish states of equilibrium and growth, in the organic sense, not the capitalist sense.
Negative people tend to be selfish, short term orientated and blind to the beauty of life. They usually form economic processes focused on short term gain the consequences be damned. In the end they end up provoking war, famine, disease and they blind themselves and other to the true beauty and opulence of nature.

Isn't it natural that nature would want to get rid of them?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Isn't it natural that nature would want to get rid of them?

But it is NOT nature putting us in a negative state.
Mind control experiments have been going on for decades. To the extreme, and the subtle. So much so, that most can't tell what's really going on.
Through experiments it was found exactly how we react to negative stimulus.
Yes, I speculate, and hypothesize. That's the way to search for truth.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by RubyGloom

I have a more taoist approach to it. Without a negative there would not be a positive, it's all part of a natural dynamic. Nature holds within itself the dynamic of it's own destruction, because only by reacting to it does it have the dynamic of it's own survival.

Think of plants and fertilizers, the cycle of life and death. This is not to say bad is good, and should be seeked, nothing like that, mearly that good exists as it's opposite, not autonomously.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

As do I..if it were really Nature.
My reply to this thread...

Originally posted by RubyGloom
"I would like to believe that if we all thought more positively, that we would act more positively.
Would it change the world?
For everything must have balance.
You cannot have positive without negative, light without dark, peace without war.
It is a wonderful thought on this 4th of July though."

However, to me..balance is 2 equal parts creating one whole. The Negative FAR outweighs the positive. Do I believe more positive news will create a Utopian society? No, of course not. But the path we are on has increasingly gotten worse, and I see a dismal future.
The negative being created around us is ARTIFICIAL. There is no natural process to it, aside from the way we as humans are reacting to it. Which puts us in an unnatural state of unease, unrest,discontent.
Yes you could argue that this only applies if you allow yourself to be externally manipulated. But in order to avoid that , one must be AWARE.
In the world of the blind, the one eyed man is a delusional idiot.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 07:32 AM
The reason we're ALL negative most of the time is because of the most important person in the world , you, me, him or her.
We class ourselves as an idividual as the most important person in whole world. There might be a close second but everyone thinks only of themselves given the choice.
And that's here the problem for negativity really lies. It's not with the bad stories in the media , tv, radio and internet etc.
Its with our opinion being all that matters and we're always right and everyone else that doesn't share the exact same view is wrong.
It's like a old mate of mine at work , when 9/11 happened and Bush went to war, My friend stated your either with Bush OR the terrorists. There was no middle ground, and that is the same for everyone else's opinions and attitudes.
Soon as we start thinking about others instead of ourselves , we would notice the good things that start to happen.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

Very true, well said. If people could count on eachother to help in times of trouble, economic crysis would be a meaningless term, we only have economic meltdowns because individuals have been conditioned to be selfish. It's another form of control.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

I agree with your point,but would like to expand on it a little bit.
It is not our feelings about ourselves being the most important that draws us to crave stories about horrible things happening in the world.
What draws people to be glued to their TV's after a disaster where hundreds are killed, or dying to hear the latest who's marriage is breaking up or who's headed for rehab next?
Is it because it makes us feel better about our own lives? The "It could always be worse" scenario???

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