posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 06:24 PM
I just thought this was an amazing story with one of them photos that just make you think..
A 375-pound black bear was spotted in a neighbourhood in Florida; it was tracked and found under a beach front house thought to be cooling off,
Officials who where trying to get the bear and get it to safety shot a tranquiliser but it did not work as quick as they had hoped, This made the bear
get up and run, It ran to the water and started to loose feeling due to the Tranquiliser, Biologist Adam Warwick tried to get the bear to come back
to the shore but as it stood in the water on its hind legs it fell backwards, Biologist Adam Warwick thought no more of it and jumped right in to
save the great bear! He walked bare feet over concrete blocks and managed to get the bear in to a Truck of some form,
The bear was taken to a national park and released,
Amazing eh! What a good news story, Warms the heart,
Link to story
[edit on 3-7-2008 by asala]
[edit on 3-7-2008 by asala]