posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:59 AM
I agree with Being Form Earth. Putting filters on your water sources is a good idea. I am an environmental consultant that deals primarily with lead
based paint & Pb issues. The county I live in has a high lead in water content (this was tested by another firm. I'm not trying to drum up business
- just trying to stay factual & unbiased. Thus, I won't name the county or city.) The main city in our county does nothing to improve the pipe
mains. They will only address them if a water main breaks.
Also there is only suppose to be a minimal amount of lead in solder. However some plumbers still use the 50/50 solder (50% lead, 50% other metal,)
because lead has a low melting point & it's easy to weld.
Another reason for filtering your drinking water is the finding a few months ago. There were pharmaceuticals getting into the water supply.
So, to make a short answer long, yes, there probably is something in the drinking water. However, it can be any number of things.