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NWO engineering the Australia-Wide Drought

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by TruthTellist

I have offered what i have to offer, simple graphs, would you like me to find some rainfall charts of America's chemtrail hotspots? It may very well debunk this theory even more.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by TruthTellist

I have offered what i have to offer, simple graphs, would you like me to find some rainfall charts of America's chemtrail hotspots? It may very well debunk this theory even more.

HAHA! You charts only go back to 2000, when it is agreed that chemtrail operations started at least in 1995.

So yes, I want more graphs, I want graphs going back to at least 1960 - Which I highly doubt you will produce for us to see as you ENTIRE argument is based on graphs with a start date that begins halfway through the current spraying program. (ie.The data is in conflict with our interests)

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by TruthTellist

Actually the article in the OP mentions the chemtrails started in Australia early 2000's.

Plus if you look a little bit harder you would have seen i posted yearly rainfall charts for those same cities, showing every year from 1957 onwards as well.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Chadwickus]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by TruthTellist
Don't worry mate - there is no such thing as chemtrails. They are just a mass hallucination, no worries eh?

No, they're contrails - manmade high level clouds which have no impact whatsoever on precipitation, though they may well contribute to climate change are are directly caused by anyone who flies.

Fortunately science is looking at ways of reducing them, but realistically the only way we won't see them more and more and more often in the future is if we stop flying. Simple.

What's interesting about this thread - as with most that concern the chemtrail hoax - is that no-one can come up with a way in which these trails can cause changes in precipitation.

Edit: this logic seems to be along the lines of: something ate my apples, I saw a bird I hadn't seen before in my garden, therefore the bird must have eaten the apples. It's called a non sequitur logical fallacy.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Essan]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Essan

So I take it you didn't check out these links?

Weather Modification, Inc.

North American Weather "Consultants"

P.S. Your post didn't make any sense - Bird and apples? Mathematics? seriously...

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Ok so after a quick google i found a few more figures to look at.

Here is a chart showing annual rainfall for Glenfalls airport.


Yearly rainfall (inches )@ Glenfalls airport. New York

August 1980 - April 2007

80-81 27.69
81-82 44.98
82-83 40.81
83-84 48.97
84-85 28.95
85-86 42.78
86-87 36.52
87-88 36.76
88-89 40.54
89-90 40.44
90-91 38.40
91-92 37.01
92-93 35.87
93-94 44.27
94-95 25.68
95-96 45.93
96-97 37.08
97-98 45.83
98-99 28.47
99-00 44.13
00-01 29.40
01-02 33.90
02-03 34.19
03-04 41.22
04-05 35.91
05-06 61.21
06-07 40.81

Make what what you will of it. Sorry to go off topic slightly.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by TruthTellist
reply to post by Essan

So I take it you didn't check out these links?

What do those links have to do with chemtrails/contrails? It's just another non sequitur fallacy.

Cloud seeding (weather modification) is carried out by spraying particles into pre existing low level clouds to induce rainfall. These so called chemtrails exist several miles higher up in the atmosphere and cannot in any way contribute to rainfall.

Unless you can prove otherwise?

(incidently, the Australians have been tentatively trying out cloud seeding in order to mitigate the effects of the drought - an odd thing to do if they caused it in the first place don't you think?)

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Essan

You checked out the link, yet you didn't read anything on them.

If you HAD, you would see that they do in fact spray at high altitudes -as required by the particulates or substances used, there quantities or per the customers request.

Once again, you are proven wrong.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by TruthTellist
reply to post by Essan

You checked out the link, yet you didn't read anything on them.

Well to be honest I do know a fair bit about how cloud seeding works
But anyway, please enlighten me. Where on those sites do they refer to spraying into clear skies at altitudes of 5 to 6 miles, high above the altitudes at which any precipitation that might form can reach the ground?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Essan

The tactic you are now using is called 'Moving the Goal-Posts'

You are clearly getting desperate to resort to such petty tactics - Perhaps you should stick to slander and touting your credentials... that works - for a few posts at least, until it becomes clear that no proof will suffice and your true purpose becomes evident - to derail a perfectly good thread.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:10 AM

I thought this thread was about 'chemtrails' causing the drought in Australia - into which you threw in the subject of cloud seeding which I have pointed out is wholly unrelated.

Now I appreciated that some people don't like facts, but personally I believe in encouraging knowledge and dispelling ignorance.

If you wish to refute what I've said, feel free to present evidence that cloud seeding and the observation of 'chemtrails' are related, or indeed, explain how and why cloud seeding relates to the current drought situation in parts of Australia.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Essan

Yes the phrase "Moving the Goalposts" - you are doing as much.

I have presented proof (read the whole thread), but as I have predicted, no proof would suffice as your purpose is not obtain proof, but to derail any thread in which "chemtrails" or cloud seeding are mentioned...

You sir Are a Thread Killer. You may now continue with your slander.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:34 AM
You are right the NWO are engineering a drought.why cuz they want to relocate
the time restarting machine which only works in a arid place.They must restart time so that they can control the cosmos.

more on that is posted here

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:42 AM
Where? You've not presented any proof at all?

I fail to see how cloud seeding (which the Australian govt has recently started doing) has anything to do with the suggestion that drought conditions have been caused by 'chemtrails' .

Sorry, it's not me, if anyone it's you who is the thread killer here ....

(Of course, these so-called chemtrails have nothing to do with the drought either, but that no longer seems pertinent!)

Edit: and I have not made any slanderous comments!

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Essan]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 06:18 PM
Speaking of cloud seeding, this has been going on in earnest around the snowy mountains for several years:

Snowy River Shire Council and ski resort operators have expressed their support for the trial, which has been under way in the mountains for the past four years.

Snowy Hydro's Paul Johnston says the corporation is happy with the results from the $20 million project and would like to double the area that is being covered with the cloud seeding.

"Snowy Hydro is seeing the support from council and the ski resorts in NSW, but there are also other stakeholders and community people that have called on us to expand the current program and as a result we've approached the State Government to say that we would be quite capable of expanding from 1,000 square kilometres which is the current target area to an area of 2,000 square kilometres," he said.

Thing is, wtf they seeding the snowys for, it has plenty of water, but the bread basket of australia on the other side of the mountains is being deprived of its rain. For the sake of the goddamn Packer-owned skifields?

Look at the area being starved, it's where all our food comes from, and yet they are having a pissing contest over the death of the murray basin. (Click on map for full size)

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:12 PM
This is what i don't get about chemtrails. I'm not saying that the NWO doesn't do nasty things, and i'm not saying that there some weird stuff going on with the weather, but this is what i don't get...

There are only certain flight paths and flight routes across Australia, and for the world for that matter. So, for chemtrails to affect the weather, wouldn't they have to be across a wider range of land mass.

Especially for Australia, we only have a few major routes. I tried to find a picture of flight patterns from space, but i couldn't track it down.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by TruthTellist

I have offered what i have to offer, simple graphs, would you like me to find some rainfall charts of America's chemtrail hotspots? It may very well debunk this theory even more.

I would love that, if you could. I live in pittsburgh, PA, and our tri state area (West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania) is a chem trail hotspot.

Its amazing to me that the person who started the thread has 3 stars, and the person who debunked it has one.

Sorry, OP, you have been debunked. If there is an NWO, and they are making chem trails, its not making it rain less in austrailia.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 09:21 PM
I live on a hill overlooking adelaide. i have an unbroken view from seacliff to the port, at night i can see the lights of port vincent and stansbury across the gulf. every morning, i drink my coffee while overlooking this view. there is absolutely ZERO evidence of a 'chemtrail' program occurring near adelaide.

i have a clear view of the adelaide airport and i am familiar with all of the flight paths and approaches taken by planes over adelaide. the only aircraft i've seen that aren't commercial airliners are either small private planes like cessnas, news helicopters or the very very occasional military aircraft from the Edinburgh RAAF base. planes that have long contrails/'chemtrails' are very rare in my observations.

OR what about the fact that Adelaide received above average rainfall for May this year? I mean, monthly rainfall averages are calculated on every year since we first started measuring rainfall here. What, did the NWO pilots just have a bad month or a quiet one?

I totally don't buy the chemtrail thing, but i DO suspect that there is a conspiracy against private farming happening in Australia. i wouln't be surprised if we started seeing farms in midnorth SA with big Coles and Woolworths (or maybe ANZ or BankSA) signs on the front gates. I think its is just commercial exploitation, kick em while they are down type thing. These bastards know the whole global warming thing is a farce and that given ten years of patience, they'll be harvesting bumper crops once again, but by then with direct control of the whole supply line - from the soil to the mouth. There are definitely greedy truckers exploiting our current hardships.

and i am partial to other aspects of the NWO theory, let it be said, such as global homogenisation and central control. i find this whole chemtrail thing to be like some kind of huge placebo effect from reading offbeat conspiratorial webpages... no offence, just my observations.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

CSIRO States in their webpage that they use, and have been using "cloud seeding" and weather manipulation since the 50's.

The UN has also passed law regarding the use of "weather warfare" to which Australia is a signiatory.;Request=TREATYBYLOC;Form=none;VF_Volume=UNVOL27;VF_File=00002233;Page=1;Type=page

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