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HAARP! I'm Scared!!

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posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by HypnoAsp
Someone PLEEEASE set me straight here.

1. Is the science behind the "HAARP causing an earthquake" as possible as it seems to me a Lehman?. Can HAARP do this?

No, the earthquake was caused by tectonic movement, something which is not uncommon for this area. Big earthquaked have happened world wide in populated areas long before HAARP was even thought of

2. Did that monkey in our White House Threaten China with a new toy Directly after upsetting the world by the war?

That monkey in the White House doesnt have the mental capacity to think of such a plan. Please america, try and vote him out

3. Were all the China photos from different sources Fakes?

If you are talking about the coloured clouds, then no, they are not fake. They are actually a weather phenomenen called iridescence or irisation. Happens all the time, without earthquakes too I should add. Caused by sunlight refracting off high and mid level clouds. Dont believe me? Here's a link for your convenience

4. Why will the government not release information about HAARP to those that have inquired?

Maybe because its none of our business? Or maybe there is just sensitive equipment in there that they dont want the general public mucking about with in case it affects their own equipment

5. Did I knowingly stumble into Internet crap?????

Most probabale

"SIGH", I'm gonna be embarrassed by this post, I just know it


Dont be, there are far more ridiculous posts than this

PS- ask me and I can show you a few

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by HypnoAsp

Someone PLEEEASE set me straight here.

1. Is the science behind the "HAARP causing an earthquake" as possible as it seems to me a Lehman?. Can HAARP do this?

No. Only those with little or no knowledge of the atmosphere and basic geophysics claim otherwise.

2. Did that monkey in our White House Threaten China with a new toy Directly after upsetting the world by the war?

No. He's not that clever for starters!

3. Were all the China photos from different sources Fakes?

No, but nor do they show aurora or anything similar - they show clouds refracting sunlight (like sundogs). Whether this is connected with the earthquake is unknown - strange 'earthquake clouds' have been reported for many centuries. But IMO it was just coincidence that someone captured a sundog or similar atmospheric phenomena on film ......

4. Why will the government not release information about HAARP to those that have inquired?

They have

However, they cannot release the information showing how HAARP causes hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis because such information does not exist. This however does still not explain why they will not admit that HAARP makes a very good cup of tea.

5. Did I knowingly stumble into Internet crap?????

Yes. IMO. But I know others believe otherwise - which they have every right to do. Although I do say you should learn the real science first before you delve into 'alternative' science. It helps keep the flim flam men at bay

The great thing about HAARP is that it can do all sorts of weird and wonderful things using alternative science or secret technology - which of course cannot be disproven (hence no-one can prove that HAARP does not make the tea).

Which makes it in many ways very much like God ......

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:11 AM
Recently, on the FBO site (Federal Biz Ops) there was an invitation to bid on a contract that was for managing the entire HAARP Facility.
This fact alone disproves much- If the facility did everything people say it does, it would not be advertising for facility management.
Top secret comms, underwater comms, and related is what the place is all about, imo.
Also, you can visit the HAARP website. And, they offer a tour, once a year if I remember correctly, of the facility, in case you are interested.
We don't worry about HAARP up here. Maybe i'll go on the tour, and post pics here. I meant to do that a few years ago.
I have driven past the facility numerous times- you can see it from the hiway, also. It is certainly not hidden from eyes-

[edit on 3-7-2008 by Journey]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 03:31 PM
I just realised that Oz and myself - on opposite sides of the world - were posting similar responses at exactly the same time. That's pure coincidence, honest!

Nice to see that we agreed though

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Google Video Link

Hey I found that link. Not sure if this was the one you were talking about, but anyway enjoy.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:24 AM
Lol, yes, yes thats it!!! I'll state again, yes its cheesy but I did some research of my own and it does seem very plausible. I really enjoyed reading this discussion and am still "in the middle" as to my opinion on the subject at hand. Thank you all


posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:25 PM
I'm not that sure if HAARP is as powerful as Tesla's Tower.

The unexpected result of an exploding atmosphere in Tunguska
spooked everyone down to the A bomb test.

The Tesla and Government test backed by the agent JP Morgan
was too powerful and unpredictable.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:42 AM
You assert HAARP Cannot create Earthquakes. I beg to differ. - HAARP themelves, advertising their subterranian capabilities. - A commercial tech company advertising their new VLF/ELF transmitter. Note some of the future applications: High Displacement Shockwaves, Acoustical Vibrations, Tremor Excitation, Crowd Control, Ground Thumpers

And finally;

An admittedly fixated physisist flat out says it.

As it turns out, very new research shows that there may well be a direct link between our ionosphere and earhtquakes. Look at this study of earthquake clouds:

With all these facts (As far as you or I know), it seems that HAARP can theoretically cause Earthquakes with no modification to how it is currently operating. Linking HAARP to recent distasters is not as easy a task... In fact, I can't
but the above articles show me pretty clearly that they have the potential.

edit on 25-5-2011 by skinzamen because: Noobishness

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:53 AM
Just remember, Not only the US has a *HAARP* its Known there are at least 15 HAARP type facilities throughout the world.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Journey

How often does management change at your local McDonalds? And how much would the new or old manager know about the future directions for that store by the franchisee? Just because they advertise publicly for someone to manage the technicians and payroll doesn't mean that person will be briefed on every potential use of that facility. Compartmentalization. Need to know. You know.

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