posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 05:34 PM
Ok first I would like to say this is my first post here at ATS after lurking for about 3 years. Ive come to say Im sick and tried of these "We hate
American" and the 9/11 truthers, because to me neither have good enough proof for their story's. I'll probly get flamed for this but i dont care.
What if you are all wrong? Have any of you ever thought that? Or did you blindly go against the story because you (keep in mind "you" as in your own
head) cant explain something or it doent make sense to you. Just because of that doent mean your right...however it doent mean your right... The only
part of the 9/11 thing that bugged me was building 7, the rest seemed (again in my POV) understandable and logical. I have done research (not just on
the internet mind you, like local libary to read up on engineering and such, you know to understand what it would take to knock a building down) on
buildings and such afterwards I can to the conclusion that if a building is hit by a plane it would case enough damage to the interior of the building
to make it weak... then the fires could have weakend what was left of the steel frame (mind you it doesnt have to melt to break just get hot enought
to bend and snap) and the weight of the rest of the buildings broke them and it fell.
I dont want to start a disagreement or anything so please dont just say im wrong and all the tipical jazz Ive seen here. This is my opionion and I
believe it is right. Im not say yours is wrong, Im just sick of hearing people (truthers) saying the same stuff over again trying to prove their point
and convert others to their cause.
In regards to the War on Iraq, I must say everyone (including Pres. Bush) was mislead in to believing that Saddam had WMDs...However my cousin (who
served for over 4 years in the marines) went over their and told me that there was evidence that Weapons of a large amount were moved from various
warehouses etc. Im not going to try and poke to many holes in his story because he is a patriot for serving his country, even thought he disagreed
with the war, until they wnet into those buildings and saw for himself. Also my brother-in-law is a navy coreman and fights to proect his country from
any threat. He is has 2 tours of duty left. He tells me how much clamer things have gotten over the past few years over there since the begining of
the war. The Surge worked. And neither of them go around and kill the Iraqies for fun. In fact my brother shares his rations with the childern and
gives them candy to help them find unexploded IEDs.
Now I stated all of that because it is a real exprince with the war that hits home. The media is always feeding the (from what i can precive is) lefty
and hardcore lefty hate, and some hardcore right hate.
Moving on, I would like to explain to people that War is apart of human nature and always will be. History is like an endless waltz, the three beats
of War, Peace and Revoltion will continue on forever. That statment is absoulte truth in its whole. You can't change people and you can't and
shouldnt even try to impose your will on others. All it does is feed hate. I understand that some of you are not statisifed with the results you get,
but deal with it, if there is a big NWO plan we wont be able to stop it until it happens, and until then we will never know about it, like JFK we are
never going to know because Oswald was killed before he could stand trail. Whatever happened to "innicent until proven guilty". Dont you get it yet?
Everything will be unraveled when the time is right. Until then dont go around making a**'s out if yourselves and just sit back, relax and enjoy the
ride that is called life. Nothing is Prefect not you not me and not anyone.
Don't hate someone because there opionion is different than yours and dont hate your own country just because you dont agree with the administarion,
just vote in the next election and hopefully your candidate will when.
Until then Peace