posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 07:14 PM
The central claim of cold fusion adherents is that a nuclear reaction (fusion of deuterium) can be initiated and maintained in an electrochemical
apparatus not much different from the setup used to demonstrate the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen in a high school chemistry lab. If
this claim could be successfully verified, it promised nothing less than a total solution to the world's energy supply problems. The claim first
appeared in the press in March of 1989, and provoked considerable public and scientific interest. It was put forward by respectable scientists
(Fleishmann and Pons of the University of Utah) and was supported by reports from other respectable scientists that they had been able to replicate
those findings. These initial claims, however, were soon met by counterclaims from equally respectable labs and investigators, to the effect that the
initial findings could not be replicated.
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