posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:40 PM
I suppose you could call a portion of the response a joke, but no, I meant it.
All you need to do is pop corn in the microwave without the bag. It does not pop straight up.. EVER.
*Sigh* I don't know why I needed to look up the numbers to show how preposterous this is but here they are...
Max Cell Phone SAR (Specific absorbed radiation) - 1.6
Which equals a max alotted wattage of about .2 to .6 watts by law
Microwave Wattages range from 400 to something like 1200
Popcorn Recipes call for a 700 W oven.
Cell Phone SAR
Not a difficult deduction even without the math. My face would have a massive tumor by this time.
So no joke, Applebiter