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what YOU ,Ats member's think about documentarist Michael Moore?

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Here, i doesn't bring My own opinion. I'd like to know what you think about documentaries director's Michael Moore (produced Farenheit 9/11 and the least known : Bowling at columbine)

I recently heard and read on debate and Ats topic's that this Man was kind of.. Phony.

I found Farenheit 9/11 pretty much more Dramatic than personally rewarding.
But still , i know that people indicate him more and more as a fake.

I'd like to know why and who share this opinion?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:06 AM
there are so many stances in which he takes that i don't agree with (although i HAVE found truth amongst some of his slanted thoughts). i do, however, respect him for the simple fact that he has taken stance and spoken up on things he feels are important even at times when they were unpopular stances. and he does it w/ cynical humor, which who couldn't admire that
. i know a lot of ppl around here in tx can't stand him, but i personally see that as a cop~out due to the fact that they only want to hear from ppl that agree w/ their views. i guess i am objective enough to appreciate him even if i don't agree with him necessarily

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Well all you have to do is type in "Michael Moore shares Halliburton" into google and you will have enough evidence as to how much of the tripe in his movies he himself actually believes. He is nothing short of an opportunist and a propogandist. His movies contain half-truths twisted into whatever makes america look the worst. Sorry but I feel there is no redeeming quality in this man. Perhaps he should consider moving out of america since it appears he hates it so much.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:18 AM
I think he's a disinformation agent, trying to lure us away from the real problems and focus on problems that are not so important.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Truthornothing

hes a fat slob and an idiot, i was so pissed after joke 9/11 i wanted to kill people. this over weight idiot went around asking questions about why and what have people done for their country. when all this pos did was make a stupid film. someone should shoot his fat a$$ and hang him in the town square.

but thats just my $.02

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:23 AM
I do share your opinions guys. Most of the time, he seems to be an Anti-American. He's better to deride than to explain.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:39 AM
If I could make 250 million dollars muck raking, I'd do it too. The guy is living the American Dream, which by the way is not home ownership and 2.3 children. It's get all you can, while you can, and screw those that you have to walk over in the process.

Michael Moore is the epitome of the 21st century American.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Truthornothingwhat YOU ,Ats member's think about documentarist Michael Moore?

Fat sluggish thing that never got over that his favorite puppy didn't win last election.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Freaky_Animal]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:52 AM
He is the commie liberal version of Rush Pumpkinhead.

Put these two fat, self important idiots at opposing ends and search somewhere in between. There you will find truth.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:16 PM
If you can ignore Moore's political agenda, hypocrisy, and grandstanding you will find one fairly competent conspiracy theorist. His case against the Bush administration is relevant and, if you can make that leap and simply forget the source, crosses political boundaries.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:34 PM
anyone who says the american dream is supposed to be that ya get all you can get while screwing anyone in the process doesn't understand the intent of our founding fathers. i'll give ya that it has become the norm lately, but that was never the mentality of those who built the "base" of what america stands for.

i have never watched any major documentaries on michael moore and don't know, nor could care less to know, anything more about him than that television show he had back before even sept 2001.

there were things that he did that drove points that i have (such as out-sourcing, etc) home, but more publicly and more effectively (or so i would have thought). the media, along w/ michael moore, have the right to free speech just as we do (although the restrictions that are being placed are obvious), and so, if i don't like it or him, i have an "off" button (which i usually don't have to use since i don't really even use the "on" button)

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
anyone who says the american dream is supposed to be that ya get all you can get while screwing anyone in the process doesn't understand the intent of our founding fathers.

I didn't say it was supposed to be, I said that's what it is. There is a difference.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 07:23 AM
Ah I don't think I'd be allowed to use the words I'd like to describe Micheal Moore here. Many would be four letter words.

I've seen all of his "feature films". Alot of deception, and editting. especially during the scene in BFC with Charlton Heston. Dissapearing cameramen ect, spliced video, shown in incorect sequence, and out of context. Stuff said that was left out, you name it. Many of the facts stated in that film are incorrect.

He went after Bush with kid gloves in F/911, a total garbage film in my opinion.

He's a Fraud, and a fence sitter.

It's pretty clear to say I will not be watching any more M.M. movies if he does ever release any more.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by OrangeAlarmClock


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy

Originally posted by justamomma
anyone who says the american dream is supposed to be that ya get all you can get while screwing anyone in the process doesn't understand the intent of our founding fathers.

I didn't say it was supposed to be, I said that's what it is. There is a difference.

point taken

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:22 AM
I'm waiting for someone to do a documentary on Him. Its fair game and I bet would be a hit movie. Might even slam the fat knothead into a place we would never have to hear about him again...don't I wish!!!


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:35 AM
Most of what I think about Micheal Moore is unprintable...

He's never met a fact he can't bend, or a quote he can't take out of context.

Fraud. Liar. Did I mention fraud?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 12:25 PM
The only thing i want to know is why? I'm sure i'll share your advice once i'll know why you design this Phony as a Fraud. But still, why?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:18 PM
“documentarist Michael Moore?”

Hardly. He is a film maker, depending on impressionable youth. Once they learn better, most people see him for the whorish nerd that he is. He wouldn’t know an unbiased fact if it knocked at his door. He exercises his free speech rights, but doesn’t seem to exercise himself. All his little movies seem to be more grudge matches then anything else. I wouldn’t pay a dime to see any of his stuff, but have seen most of it on the TV & internet.

He is a failed stand-up comic yet his existence shows us that anyone can make it in the United States is they find their niche.

BTW- “fraud” is good, but I think something more like left-wing buffoon washed up comic!

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